RNA force directed layout
trace viewer and bus decoders for data captured by Agilent 16700 LA
ChIP-seq coverage island analysis algorithm for broad histone marks
Compare two NetCDF files in-place.
instrument control, data acquisition display and analysis
Heterogeneous Software Development Accelerated
ultimative units calculation and conversion tool and library
console-mode visual binary diff
MODULAR: Autonomous Computation of Modularity
A desktop application for analyzing whole genome VCF files
Astronomical Image Solver with Telescope Pointing
Makes Celestron mounts controlable over the network
Acoustic Analysis LV2 Plugins
USB port base NPN transistor curve tracer.
C++/C library to construct Excel .xls files in code.
headsort: streaming sort + 2x faster than gnu sort
An Illumina clone assembly system using SOAPdenovo and ABySS
QPlot - 2d plotting tool based on Qwt
interactive 2D plotter
Digital PID Controller Using MSP432
PANorama: Panicle phenotyping for Oryza sativa