Showing 239 open source projects for "base-files"

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  • Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar Icon
    Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar

    See what hackers already know about your organization – and stop them from getting in.

    Enterprises need full-spectrum cyber intelligence—beyond social media and the dark web. SOCRadar monitors cloud buckets, dark web leaks, and external threats in real time. Automate takedowns, detect brand impersonations, and stay ahead of evolving attacks. Strengthen your security with Extended Threat Intelligence.
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 1


    RNA force directed layout

    RNAfdl is a highly flexible tool for drawing RNA secondary structures. Secondary structures can be visualized as classical secondary structure plot, circle plot, linear plot or mountain plot. RNAfdl allows manual editing and several drawing styles, as well as a fully automated conjugate gradients minimization approach to draw more complex structures without user interaction. In addition, RNAfdl allows you to incorporate non-canonical base pairs into drawings.
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  • 2


    trace viewer and bus decoders for data captured by Agilent 16700 LA

    A tool for graphical analysis of digital traces recorded by Agilent's Logic Analyzers like HP16700. It is possible to perform higher level bus protocol decoding and parsing with help of "search" tab. These tabs are used to select the Bus Decoder (plugin shared library), configure Bus Decoder parameters and execute higher level analysis. The tool tries to be self descriptive and get as many information as possible from HP16700 for better documenting labor: e.g. test cases, spotted issues and...
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  • 3
    3DBrainExplorer is a lightweight OpenGL-based 3D renderer for scientific visualization of volumetric data (NIfTI) featuring real-time image manipulation, AAL brain labels (Tzourio-Mazoyer et al., 2002), SPM5 statistical images and stereo display.
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  • 4


    ChIP-seq coverage island analysis algorithm for broad histone marks

    SUPERmerge is a ChIP-seq read pileup analysis and annotation algorithm for investigating alignment (BAM) files of diffuse histone modification ChIP-seq datasets with broad chromatin domains at a single base pair resolution level. SUPERmerge allows flexible regulation of a variety of read pileup parameters, thereby revealing how read islands aggregate into areas of coverage across the genome and what annotation features they map to within individual biological replicates. SUPERmerge...
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • 5
    CamBA is a Linux package for statistical analysis, by script/GUI, of neuroimaging data (fMRI/sMRI), developed at the Brain Mapping Unit, University of Cambridge. Non-parametric permutation-based statistics. Input images: 4D NiFTI files, output: HTML/
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  • 6


    Compare two NetCDF files in-place.

    We've moved to Gitlab! ( Compares two NetCDF files in-place to find specific variables, dimensions and/or attributes that differ. Highly recommended for any test-driven environment and regression testing large datasets.
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  • 7
    This software is for processing binary Doppler radar data in, but not limited to, DORADE sweepfile format. The software can modify metadata and moment data using quality control routines and extract moment data as comma-delimited ASCII files.
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  • 8
    experix laboratory control system

    experix laboratory control system

    instrument control, data acquisition display and analysis

    Experix is a command-line driven environment for laboratory data acquisition and device control and graphical presentation and analysis of data. Written in C for GNU-Linux . Tested on PC and Raspberry Pi. The core is written very generally in order to support applications by means of script files. Device interfaces: PCMCIA daq (2 devices tested) via kernel module with interrupt handler and memory-mapped data; USB daq (1 device tested) using libusbx; running an equipment servicing program via...
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    Heterogeneous Software Development Accelerated

    LAMA is a framework for developing hardware-independent, high performance code for heterogeneous computing systems. It facilitates the development of fast and scalable software that can be deployed on nearly every type of system with a single code base. By using LAMA for their application, software developers benefit from higher productivity and stay up to date with the latest hardware innovations, both leading to shorter time-to-market. The framework supports multiple target platforms within...
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  • The Fastest Observability Platform for IT, Apps, and Cloud | LogicMonitor Icon
    The Fastest Observability Platform for IT, Apps, and Cloud | LogicMonitor

    Overwhelmed by tech chaos? Unify your teams with real-time visibility and predictability.

    LogicMonitor’s SaaS-based observability platform empowers ITOps, developers, MSPs, and business leaders to monitor networks, applications, and cloud environments seamlessly. Gain full data center visibility, powerful dashboards, and flexible alerting to bridge the gap between tech and teams – all with AI-driven insights. Trusted by leading enterprises, LogicMonitor cuts troubleshooting time, boosts innovation, and delivers extraordinary employee and customer experiences. Transform IT operations with a solution built for modern businesses.
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  • 10


    ultimative units calculation and conversion tool and library

    The ultimative shared library to do calculations(!) and conversions with any units! Includes all SI and pseudo SI units and thousands of US, Imperial and other units. 10th of thousands of typical dimensions are recognised as well. An easy API for calculations is available as well as a ncurses based calculator providing RPN and algebraic mode.
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  • 11


    console-mode visual binary diff

    hexcompare is a curses-based utility to compare and identify differences between two binary files. These differences are then represented visually with an interactive block diagram.
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  • 12


    MODULAR: Autonomous Computation of Modularity

    MODULAR is a software developed to perform rapid and automatic calculation of modularity in sets of networks. MODULAR reads a set of text files with bipartite or adjacency binary matrices representing networks. The software can identify and define modules by two different modularity metrics widely used in studies with different types of networks such as social, ecological and biochemical networks. In order to find the network partition that maximizes modularity, the software offers five...
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  • 13
    VCF Explorer

    VCF Explorer

    A desktop application for analyzing whole genome VCF files

    he decreasing cost high-throughput technologies led to a number of sequencing projects consisting thousands of whole genomes. The paradigm shift from exome to whole genome brings a significant increase in the size of output files. Most of the existing tools which are developed to analyze exome files are not adequate for large VCF files produced by whole genome studies. In this work we present VCF-Explorer, a variant analysis software capable of handling large files. Efficient memory management...
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  • 14


    Astronomical Image Solver with Telescope Pointing

    Nova is a simple astronomical image solver. It can currently open FITS files and identify some objects against star catalog objects.
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  • 15


    Makes Celestron mounts controlable over the network

    ... serial port emulator with software like Stellarium, to control the network exported telescopes. Communication to the hand control is 9600 bits/sec, no parity and one stop bit via the RS-232 port on the base of the hand control. It can publish the service using mDNS as XXX._nexbridge._tcp.local. where XXX is user specified name with "-s" option. Now ttynet tool is added which connects a virtual serial port to a network exported serial port.
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  • 16


    Acoustic Analysis LV2 Plugins

    Cross-Platform Acoustic Analysis LV2 Plugins intended for use in Audacity. At first this will include calculation of typical acoustic parameters from wav files and will hopefully extend into room acoustic analysis.
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  • 17
    USB Curve Tracer

    USB Curve Tracer

    USB port base NPN transistor curve tracer.

    This is simple USB port base curve tracer for NPN transistors. This curve tracer is build around Microchip's PIC18F4550 MCU and it does not need driver installations and/or any complex software installations.
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  • 18


    C++/C library to construct Excel .xls files in code.

    A multiplatform C++ library for dynamic generation of Excel .xls files containing multiple worksheets. Unlike .csv files, these can be directly opened by Excel and thus provide an excellent way to output large data sets that require further analysis. To see the latest changes, select "Files" and view the README text displayed at the bottom of that pane. IMPORTANT: Major changes are contained in the current SVN source. If you have time please try to use it or the
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    headsort: streaming sort + 2x faster than gnu sort

    headsort sorts files by line and fields. Options can pick field order and etc. Mostly compatible with gnu sort(1). It also has several sort algorithms to try. In general headsort can sort in 1/2 the time sort(1) (mergesort) does in situations involving either pipes or mult column selection; less than 1/2 with both. Best case was about opposite that of sort(1)*. NEW* hsort main algorithm speed improvement (applies to all; 27,29,31). Now faster than sort(1) (in all cases tested...
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    iCAS - An Illumina Clone Assembly System

    An Illumina clone assembly system using SOAPdenovo and ABySS

    ... in near perfect pre-assembly reads. Contigs are generated using different assembly algorithms and then merged together to achieve longer continuity. Re-aligning all the reads back to the draft contigs and recalibrating each sequence base achieves a final consensus. Using finished clones for QC, the pipeline is able to obtain assemblies with clone coverage of 99.7% and consensus base quality of Q39. Developed at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.
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  • 21


    QPlot - 2d plotting tool based on Qwt

    QPlot - 2d plotting tool based on Qwt project ( QPlot reads mission INI-files and draw 2-d graphics. Data may read from binary and text files both. Plot area may have 2-4 axis. QPlot may used as Gnuplot alternative. QPlot may used to descovery Qwt as example programm.
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  • 22


    interactive 2D plotter

    Quickplot is a fast interactive 2D plotter with infinite zooming, value picking, pipe input, and unlimited plots displayed. Quickplot is meant for looking at your data quickly and of secondary importance is making static pictures of your data.
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    Digital PID Controller MSP432

    Digital PID Controller MSP432

    Digital PID Controller Using MSP432

    The code in this repository is old and I don't like the sourceforge interface. You can get the code that was running in the video here: This was a class demonstration I developed for a mechatronics class. Feel free to contact me about getting design files, code, a little help, etc. It demonstrates proportional, integral, and derivative controllers and their features as well as anti-windup and control loop update rate. It uses...
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  • 24


    PANorama: Panicle phenotyping for Oryza sativa

    PANorama is a Linux-compatible, open-source software package for panicle image acquisition, processing, and phenotyping. PANorama 2.0 contains new phenotype measurements and is available for download within the "Files" tab listed above. Installation and user instructions are located within the "Wiki" tab. How to videos are available for streaming at the link below, or for download in the "Files" tab above. Information regarding the project and funding can be found at http...
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  • 25
    libsaxsdocument, libsaxsimage and saxsview; read, convert and view 1D and 2D-files related to Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS).
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