Showing 181 open source projects for "step/iges/brep"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 1


    The open source mesh processing system

    MeshLab is an open-source, portable, and extensible system for the processing and editing of unstructured large 3D triangular meshes. It is aimed to help the processing of the typical not-so-small unstructured models arising in 3D scanning, providing a set of tools for editing, cleaning, healing, inspecting, rendering and converting this kind of meshes. MeshLab is mostly based on the open source C++ mesh processing library VCGlib developed at the Visual Computing Lab of ISTI - CNR. VCG can...
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  • 2 is a powerful open source geospatial analysis tool for data

    ... in your app take a look at this step-by-step tutorial on Built with, utilizes WebGL to render large datasets quickly and efficiently. You can easily drag and drop a dataset, add filters, apply scales, and do aggregation on the fly. Built on React & Redux, can be embedded inside your own mapping applications.
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  • 3
    MyBatis Mapper4

    MyBatis Mapper4

    Mybatis common mapper, easy to use

    This book starts with a simple MyBatis query to build a basic development environment for learning MyBatis. Through a comprehensive sample code and test, the basic usage of adding, deleting, modifying, and checking operations in the MyBatis XML mode and annotation mode is explained, and the application of dynamic SQL in different aspects and the best practice program in the use process are introduced. Provides a wealth of examples for MyBatis advanced mapping, stored procedures, and type...
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  • 4


    Makes life working with units of measurement just a little bit better

    Add strongly typed quantities to your code and get merrily on with your life. No more magic constants found on Stack Overflow, no more second-guessing the unit of parameters and variables. Get all the common units of measurement and the conversions between them. It is lightweight and thoroughly tested. 100+ quantities with 1200+ units generated from JSON by C# CLI app. 8000+ unit tests on conversions and localizations. Conforms to Microsoft's open-source library guidance. SourceLink to step...
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • 5

    Gait Measurement EMG Step Trigger

    Script to control step-triggered optogenetic pulse delivery.

    Script for Spike2 software to control stimulus delivery using input from an external signal. This script was developed and used in the laboratory of Veronique VanderHorst, MD PhD at Beth Israel Deaconess/Harvard Medical School. Specifically, this script was used to trigger pulses of light that were delivered to animals receiving optogenetic stimulation; the trigger was designed to detect the initiating of stepping by electromyographic activity that was recorded from the tibialis anterior....
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  • 6
    PyRx - Virtual Screening Tool

    PyRx - Virtual Screening Tool

    Virtual Screening software for Computational Drug Discovery

    PyRx is a Virtual Screening software for Computational Drug Discovery that can be used to screen libraries of compounds against potential drug targets. PyRx enables Medicinal Chemists to run Virtual Screening from any platform and helps users in every step of this process - from data preparation to job submission and analysis of the results. While it is true that there is no magic button in the drug discovery process, PyRx includes docking wizard with easy-to-use user interface which makes...
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  • 7


    a parametric 3D CAD modeler

    This is an official mirror of FreeCAD. Code and release files are primarily hosted on and mirrored here. FreeCAD is a general purpose feature-based, parametric 3D modeler for CAD, MCAD, CAx, CAE and PLM, aimed directly at mechanical engineering and product design but also fits a wider range of uses in engineering, such as architecture or other engineering specialties. It is 100% Open Source and extremely modular, allowing for very advanced extension and...
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  • 8
    TCP/IP-Network extension for the PLC simulation software Siemens PLCSim (Step 7 V5.4/5.5). With NetToPLCSim you are able to simulate e.g. SCADA systems over Network in combination with your simulated PLC.
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  • 9
    TexGen is a geometric textile modelling software package to be used for obtaining engineering properties of woven textiles and textile composites. Citing TexGen We would be grateful if you could acknowledge use of TexGen where appropriate and suggest using one of the following references: L P Brown and A C Long. "Modelling the geometry of textile reinforcements for composites: TexGen", Chapter 8 in "Composite reinforcements for optimum performance (Second Edition)", ed. P Boisse,...
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  • Power Up Your AI with Databricks – Free Trial Icon
    Power Up Your AI with Databricks – Free Trial

    Ready to revolutionize your data and AI game? Test Databricks free on your cloud of choice and see the difference.

    Take your data and AI to the next level with Databricks – free trial on AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Create production-ready Generative AI apps that are accurate, secure, and tailored to your business. Simplify data ingestion from hundreds of sources with effortless ETL automation. Plus, tap into instant, elastic serverless compute during your trial (available on AWS/Azure). Sign up with your work email now to unlock premium trial perks and transform how you work with data – don’t wait!
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  • 10
    SWAN is a third-generation wave model, developed at Delft University of Technology, that computes random, short-crested wind-generated waves in coastal regions and inland waters.
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  • 11
    Zgoubi is a ray-tracing code. Since 1972 it pushes charged particles around accelerators and along beam lines, by step-wise resolution of the Lorentz force equation - and their spins by resolution of Thomas-BMT differential equation. Zgoubi is used for charged particle and beam dynamics simulations, and for accelerator and beam line design. It can simulate hadron and lepton beam and polarization dynamics in a large variety of accelerators (storage ring, synchrotron, cyclotron...
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  • 12
    GrainSizeTools script

    GrainSizeTools script

    A Python script for estimating the grain size from thin sections

    Homepage & docs: GrainSizeTools is a free, open-source, cross-platform script written in Python that provides several tools for (1) estimating average grain size in polycrystalline materials, (2) characterizing the nature of the distribution of grain sizes (either from apparent distributions or approximating 3D grain size distributions via stereology), and estimating differential stress via paleopizometers. The script requires as the input the...
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  • 13


    Linear static structural analysis of 2D / plane frame and truss

    Welcome to PlenFrem, software for performing linear static analysis of 2D frame structures and trusses, suitable for civil/structural and mechanical engineering applications. PlenFrem aims 🎯 to offer a simple application for students 👩‍🎓, researchers, engineers 👷 whoever need a basic structural analysis software at no cost 🆓. It offers no bloated features, no bells 🔔 & whistles. The interface is intuitive and anyone with fair knowledge of structural analysis 🏗 should be able to use it...
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  • 14


    SSR detection and primer designing software

    Traditional methods for isolation of microsatellites (SSRs) are often expensive and time consuming. Nowadays is easier and cheaper to obtain genomic data from next generation sequencing. Then, at least two software need to be applied in order to obtain SSR primers of SSR flanking sequences for PCR assays. Here we propose new software that allows the user to work with several sequences for PCR primer design in one step.
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  • 15


    Enhance your understanding of mathematical expressions conversions

    A simple desktop application to convert infix expression to postfix expression, also displaying the conversion steps fully.
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  • 16


    Numerical integration

    Build a mathematical model of a differential equation, using building blocks like integrator, addition, functions and output pens. Chose an integration method: Euler, Trapez or Simpson. Specify calculation parameter, like time step, end time etc. Run the model and output the results as chart or as CSV file. For example the Lorenz equations can be calculated in 3 000 000 integration steps in 63 seconds. Please refer to the screenshots.
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  • 17


    CAD application for Technical Drawing exercises in Android

    Andrafting is an open source Android application to create Technical Drawing exercises. This application is inspired by the 'Classical Construction', also known as 'Ruler-and-compass Construction' or 'Compass-and-straightedge construction'. However, another drawing tools can be used. (More info about classical construction: TABLET & MOUSE recommended Desktop version (not...
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  • 18
    Rocketry Research Assistant

    Rocketry Research Assistant

    A LibreOffice Base database for tracking rocketry research projects.

    ... databases are constructed and how they can be used we have created the Rocketry Research Assistant (RRA) database project. In this project we will take you step by step through the design, development and use process. This project is designed to get you started. To make you aware of how databases work. To help you understand how they can be helpful in your research projects. To let you know that you can develop basic database programs & skills that can be immensely beneficial to you & your team.
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  • 19

    Fosite - advection problem solver

    numerical simulation code for solving transport equations in 1D/2D/3D

    Fosite is a generic framework for the numerical solution of hyperbolic conservation laws in generalized orthogonal coordinates. Its main purpose is the simulation of compressible flows in accretion disks. The underlying numerical solution method belongs to the family of unsplit conservative finite volume TVD schemes. The method is 2nd order accurate in space and uses high order Runge-Kutta and multistep schemes for time evolution. In addition to the pure advection code several source terms...
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  • 20


    Partial Differential Equations, Complex Analysis, Mathematica, Farlow

    Cliff* Notes, Mathematica Evaluatable "Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers", Farlow "Physics for Scientists and Engineers", Serway "A First Course in Complex Analysis", Beck "PDE", Asmar "PDE, An Introduction", Colton "Elementary Differential Equations", 7th, Rainville "Ordinary Differential Equations", Tenenbaum "Linear Algebra And It's Applications", Lay "Swokowski Calculus", 5th, Swokowski "Chemistry Concepts & Problems, A Self-Teaching Guide",...
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  • 21


    converts between IGES file and text file

    Command-line interface program that converts between IGES file and text file. IGES files are compatible with most of CAD systems. This program permits you to convert curves and points created in CAD program into coordinates in text file or you can do the opposite - convert text files into curves. It is especially suitable for curves described by hundreds of coordinates, e.g. airfoil contours of aircraft wings. Output filename is either out.txt or out.igs.
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  • 22
    xRxTx - Uart/Com

    xRxTx - Uart/Com

    Rxtx/Uart GUI

    RxtxConsole is an API and GUI software, developed by Doidx with JSerialCom as the kernel. It can be used for multi- UART/RS232 interface operation. The platform supports Windows/MAC/Linux. Note: Developed with Java17 Follow these steps step by step to apply RxtxConsole, 1. LIST, to obtain all Serial ports currently available on the system. 2. CONNECT, Select a Serial port for connection and place it in the connection pool for use...
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  • 23 is a frontend and distribution for GAP on macOS

    A native Macintosh front-end and distribution for the GAP computer algebra system. It provides a Mac-like command editing environment and save/load, while making available graphical libraries compatible with xgap.
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  • 24


    ePnR is an IC block standard cell placement & routing tool

    ..., by simulated annealing is available. Routing consists of channel routing as first step. If un-routed connections are left, Maze routing can (optionally) be applied. ePnR does not guarantee completely finished routing. However, un-routed connections will be left with rubberband connections and marked start and end points for subsequent manual routing using a third party layout editor. ePnR outputs in CIF 2.0 and GDS stream format readable by e.g. the free KLayout editor.
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  • 25


    R based pipeline for MHC-associated peptide proteomics (MAPPs) data

    dataMAPPs allows routine and efficient processing of data from immunogenicity studies applying the MAPPs peptidomics technology to detect potential MHCI- or MHC-II epitopes as presented by dendritic cells (DC). It features quality control of the raw data, across-sample/across-donor normalization and visualization of results in a heatmap style (heatMAPPs). dataMAPPs' core is a generic R library that can be tailored to specific projects via dedicated control scripts which also allow...
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