Makes life working with units of measurement just a little bit better
Converts cobol copybooks to Xml/Java objects
ESP32 mySQM+ Sky-Meter/Weather Station with loads of features
CAESAR-Lisflood landscape evolution model
SPPAS - the automatic annotation and analyses of speech
ECG Toolkit support for: SCP-ECG, DICOM, HL7 aECG, ISHNE & MUSE-XML
A code primarily aimed at DNA and RNA coarse-grained simulations
A java 3d simple virtual celestial globe. Source code available
IEC 104 RTU Server Client Simulator Source Code Library Win Linux
IEC 101 Server and Client Simulator Source code Library, Win, Linux
Manual counter with the keyboard or the mouse on images
Modbus TCP,RTU Master Software.
Automatic design of primers for miR-specific RT-qPCR
Application for simple base-2 binary to base-4 DNA-code conversion
Quaternion Viewer and Converter
Simple peak list to MSP file converter
Free tool to read data from OPC sources and save to a MongoDB database
Python Gerber to G-code converter
Batch convert Lat/Long to UTM for Zone 19
Binary Downloads for the RepSnapper RepRap Controller
Crossplatform stack calculator with very fast usage.
A converter from Tiffs to Dicoms