Google maps for block game
Map location picker component for Android
GPS log file viewer and analyzer
GWC is a tile server and caching proxy written in Java
Free minimalist software for maps, import DWG, DXF, SHP, KML, GeoJSON
AERMOD, visualisation, input, modelling and compiling tool
Plugins for OpenCPN
A Java to iOS Objective-C translation tool and runtime
A view abstraction to provide a map user interface
GPS mapping and management software
Navigation and transit.
Trasforma coordinate da epsg per google maps
A map maker via online map services
GeoData Web Editing [core SIG Web]
Google Maps plugin for Cordova
Analyze and change GPS coordinates and time in digital pictures
Track your mobile device or cellphone via internet using OpenGTS/GPRMC
Customization of OpenGTS look and feel
GT2 combines online and offline navigation for hikers and cyclists
Android Mobile Tracking Platform
It is a Project To Convert GK or VIAG to Postdam and WGS84 Format.
Software de escritorio para buscar información geográfica
Tile Cache Server