Showing 29 open source projects for ".sfm file extension"

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    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

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  • 1
    VectreViewer: A vector-based file viewer

    VectreViewer: A vector-based file viewer

    A Windows-based viewer currently supporting CDR & 2D DXF files

    This is a Windows-based wireframe viewer currently designed for CDR & 2D R12 DXF files. The DXF renderer supports arcs, circles, lines and polylines. Support for SVG files is coming shortly. Go here to check for updates:
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  • 2


    JavaScript-Based Molecular Viewer From Jmol

    JSmol is the extension of the Java-based molecular visualization applet Jmol ( as an HTML5 JavaScript-only web app. It can be used in conjunction with the Java applet to provide an alternative to Java when the platform does not support that (iPhone/iPad) or does not support applets (Android). Used in conjunction with the Jmol JavaScript Object (, JSmol seamlessly offers alternatives to Java on these non-Applet platforms...
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  • 3
    OpenGXT - Geopatial Analysis Tools

    OpenGXT - Geopatial Analysis Tools

    Spatial Statistics Libraries & Tools for GeoTools, GeoServer, uDig

    The goal of this project is to provide a spatial statistics tools for Geotools, Geoserver WPS, uDig Statistics Toolbox. #. Online Documentation - #. GeoTools -Download gt-process-spatialstatistics-xx.x.jar file #. GeoServer - Download - Unzip and copy two files to the WEB-INF/lib directory of the GeoServer installation. - Restart GeoServer #. uDig 2.0.x Plugin Installation - Name: Spatial...
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  • 4
    GLTF/GLB Windows Shell Extension: This shell extension automatically adds thumbnail images to .glb files in Windows File Explorer and provides a right click menu option to generate a 3D preview image for .gltf files. Supports multi-file select and directory processing. Pre-built Windows x64 installer available at LAS/LAZ Pointcloud Windows Shell Extension: This "quick viewer" shell extension provides a Windows File Explorer right click menu...
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

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    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 5


    Parallel tool to search biclusters on binary datasets

    ParBiBit is a parallel tool to accelerate the search of biclusters on binary datasets, especially useful for gene expression data. This tool receives as input the expression values of n genes and m samples in a file with ARFF extension and returns a file with the biclustering information.
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  • 6

    Peptide3D 2 MGF

    Converter for Peptide3D.xml to MGF

    Ever wanted to make an MGF file from a Peptide3D.xml output? If so then this is for you. Simply drag the xml onto the window and that's it. All the information needed is contained within the xml file. You get your mgf in the same place, same name, different extension.
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  • 7


    tiny code, html webcam game or plug brain in each blob, java server

    You play a 2d blob that reshapes to grab bend bounce and swing on objects floating in midair (like a platformer game), except acrobaticly your view spins when your blob does. I'm planning a huge multiplayer world, some blobs played by people holding a bendable loop game controller (tape a 1 meter cut of thick extension cord into a loop) in front of webcam and bend it to bend your blob on screen, and other blobs controlled by AI. This is a game for general AI research in a fun way people can do...
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  • 8
    Ava: Testdata Xsl

    Ava: Testdata Xsl

    generates Testdata on base of excel: creates xml,excel,csv,html,sql,+

    ..., individual by xsl extension) (3) Collect all processed data in excel-files (4) plus: Xsl Executor, which let's you run xsl-scripts independently (5) plus: User Interface
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  • 9
    Mychem is a chemoinformatics extension for MySQL.
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  • The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse Icon
    The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse

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    ClickHouse powers businesses with the fastest open-source OLAP database, built for rapid analytics, observability, and business intelligence. Deploy on AWS, GCP, or your own VPC with BYOC, and query billions of rows in seconds – all cost-efficiently. Trusted by Sony, Lyft, and Cisco, it delivers unmatched speed, seamless stack integration, and enterprise-grade performance. Turn massive datasets into decisions with ClickHouse.
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  • 10


    Portable Framework for the Parallel Execution of Short Read Aligners

    parSRA is a framework to execute short read aligners on compute clusters. It uses the following techniques in order to improve scalability: 1) a fast splitting of the input reads using the FUSE kernel module available in most of current Linux distributions; 2) a balanced on-demand distribution of the reads based on the shared locks of UPC++, an extension of C++ for parallel computing that follows the Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) paradigm. parSRA is portable as its configuration file...
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  • 11

    OOMMF magnetoelastic extension

    Incorporates the magnetoelastic energy in OOMMF simulations.

    OOMMF magnetoelastic extension incorporates the magnetoelastic energy to micromagnetic simulations with OOMMF (Object-Oriented Micromagnetic Framework). The extension provides additional Oxs extensible classes, in which you can specify the elastic strain or the displacement along with the magnetoelastic coefficients. Spatially-nonuniform, time-varying strain can be specified either with Tcl scripts or file lists and the effective magnetoelastic field and energy is computed at each simulation...
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  • 12
    ... it. === Running You should have received this application as an archive file. Uncompress this archive. It contains an executable file named LGRID_Client_XX.jar. This is a "double-clickable" jar file, or you can run it from the command line using: java -jar LGRID_Client_XX.jar NOTE: To Install JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files If needed, you should install the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files.
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  • 13

    Cost-sensitive Classifiers

    Adaboost extensions for cost-sentive classification

    Adaboost extensions for cost-sentive classification CSExtension 1 CSExtension 2 CSExtension 3 CSExtension 4 CSExtension 5 AdaCost Boost CostBoost Uboost CostUBoost AdaBoostM1 Implementation of all the listed algorithms of the cluster "cost-sensitive classification". They are the meta algorithms which requires base algorithms e.g. Decision Tree Moreover, Voting criteria is also required e.g. Minimum expected cost criteria Input also requires to load an arff file...
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  • 14

    SPE Toolbox

    MatLab functions for reading WinView/WinSpec .spe files

    This toolbox is a collection of MatLab functions for reading WinView/WinSpec files (.spe extension) directly to MatLab. It provides functions for reading full header from file into a structure, reading frames into matrices, and reading pixel values across all frames. You can use these functions to analyse and process experiment data stored in .spe files in MatLab, and to write functions to export .spe files to animated GIFs for use in presentations. Also includes simple MatLab application...
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  • 15


    Convert galprop skymaps to standard healpix

    ... GALPROP skymaps viewable in Aladin. This program performs this conversion, outputs both the original energy bins and energy-integrated spectra, and in addition convolves with a user-defined Gaussian both in energy bins and energy-integrated. Also outputs the spherical harmonic decomposition as HealPix, per energy bin. There is also an option to divide by a second HealPix file, for example to give intensity if file 1 is counts and file 2 is exposure, to give intensity. Now also converts back.
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  • 16


    Combine multiple XY-files into a single file.

    ... set with the common base. Single line comments are allowed in the input files and user can specify comment sign (a single character). XY-pair separator can also be chosen by user. When user select a directory as ‘Working directory’ all files with the specified target file extension in this directory and its sub-directories will be added to the file list.
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  • 17

    WSN Localisation

    Localisation system in wireless sensor networks using ns-2

    This project presents an extension to ns-2, which enables a normal user, who has basic knowledge of ns-2, to simulate localization system within a wireless network. Moreover, this project would be beneficial to researchers who want to implement new or existing localisation algorithms and anyone new to ns-2 who wish to know more about how a simulation project is built and structured. [1],[2] provide more details. References [1] A. M. Abu-Mahfouz and G. P. Hancke, GP., “ns-2 extension...
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  • 18


    Open source software for processing XTF files

    This project was born from a stage at the "Signals and Images Lab (, Institute of Information Science and Technologies of the National Research Council of Italy". ImageJforXTF extends the open source ImageJ software with functionalities that allow to open and manage XTF files. This kind of files is used to record sonar and bathymetric data. An user can choose to open any file with extension ".xtf" so that the program parses it and shows the resulting image. Then the user can...
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  • 19

    PHN/LAB file format converter

    Convert the format of speech label files

    Research in speech processing requires labeling and segmentation of speech signals, i.e., label files. Two useful formats for label files are the CSLU format (.phn extension) and the HTK format (.lab extension). This program converts speech label files from any of these two formats to the other one. Do this: 1- Provide the source directory (directory where the original label files are). 2- Provide the destination directory (directory where the new label files will be placed). 3...
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  • 20

    IPSA - Inventor Physics Simulation API

    Easy to use physics simulation combining ODE with OpenInventor.

    Create phyiscal simulations easily through IPSA which combines the OpenInventor 3D API with the Open Dynamics Engine (ODE). Scenes are read from .iv files and simulated in the supplied viewer applications. Find it at:
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  • 21
    ftc is a python script for content-based file type classification based on an file extension and magic number database, and several computational intelligence algorithms.
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  • 22
    OO Pinyin Guide is a Java extension for OpenOffice 3 or higher. It enables the user to add pinyin transliteration over Chinese characters inside a text document. This tool can be useful for people learning or teaching Chinese.
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  • 23
    Don't hard-code data-structures for Artificial Intelligence (AI). Evolve them (and control flow) as cycles of arrays in arrays with size constraints based on other array sizes (at specific index) in terms of range, multiply, exponent, or permutation. No working code yet. Whats there now is an extension of GigaLineCompile which would become part of Human AI Net, but there are other projects to finish before I can come back to this one.
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  • 24
    A desktop program that allow manage photo albums through a Map. Requires the .NET Framework 3.5 -SP1 and 4.0 Libraries Used: GreatMaps, Html Agility, FaceBook Toolkit, WPF Localization Extension & Sqlite
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  • 25
    ROLE is a research project funded by the European Commission (Contract no. 231396) and aiming at delivering and testing prototypes of responsive and personal learning environments. This Sourceforge Repositoy contains the developments related to WP7.
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