Showing 300 open source projects for "hpc code analysis"

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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • HR Onboarding Software Icon
    HR Onboarding Software

    WorkBright streamlines form collection to get your new team members on the job in a quick, compliant, and 100% remote process.

    WorkBright is a cloud-based new hire onboarding solution that provides assistance for the processing and induction of new employees before their first day on the job. Simple and easy-to-use, this paperless digital onboarding platform enables new employees to upload photos of relevant documents, fill out their W4s, capture signatures electronically, and complete all paperwork from their tablets, laptops, or smartphones. With WorkBright, organizations can seamlessly eliminate manual data entry, streamline the form correction workflow efficiently, deliver automated reminders, and more.
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    Open Grid Analysis and Display System

    OpenGrADS provides extensions and interfaces for GrADS.

    The Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) is an interactive desktop tool for easy access, manipulation, and visualization of earth science data. The OpenGrADS Project seeks to develop advanced interfaces and extensions based on the main GrADS engine.
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    Aseryla code repositories

    This project describes a model of how the semantic human memory represents the information relevant to the objects of the world in text format. It provides a system and a GUI application capable of extracting and managing concepts and relations from English texts.
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    Quan is designed to model physical quantities in C++ programs. Advantages include automated dimensional analysis checking, automatic unit conversions, self documentation of code.
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    VMS Draw

    VMS Draw

    user-friendly access to the latest computational spectroscopy tools

    VMS Draw provides general utilities (e.g. normalization, conversion, and other manipulations of several spectra at the same time) and a flexible graphical user interface (GUI) for an easy use by non-specialists which allows a seamless flow of information between experimentally and theoretically oriented researchers. Finally, it permits effective interactions with other electronic structure codes [e.g., nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), microwave] even if Gaussian 16 offers the widest set...
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  • The AI-powered unified PSA-RMM platform for modern MSPs. Icon
    The AI-powered unified PSA-RMM platform for modern MSPs.

    Trusted PSA-RMM partner of MSPs worldwide is the only PSA-RMM platform powered by intelligent automation and thoughtfully crafted for the new-age MSP. The platform also helps MSPs manage their projects, clients, and IT documents from a single place.
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    TA-Lib.git: Technical Analysis Library

    Mirror of the TA-Lib project using a Git repository

    This project is intended to provide Git access to the code of the original project, TA-Lib, which uses Subversion. It is intended for system integrators wishing to use TA-Lib in their Git-managed project through Git submodules or subtrees. No actual development is being done here; all development happens in the original project.
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    This is an application generator for conflation algorithms in perl language. This system supports generation perl source code for a stemmer from a rule file, running a stemmer which is supported by the system, parsing a corpus file.
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    A Reproducible Data Analysis Workflow with R Markdown, Git, Make, etc.

    .... The workflow ensures meeting the primary goals that 1) the reporting of statistical results is consistent with the actual statistical results (dynamic report generation), 2) the analysis exactly reproduces at a later point in time even if the computing platform or software is changed (computational reproducibility), and 3) changes at any time (during development and post-publication) are tracked, tagged, and documented while earlier versions of both data and code remain accessible.
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    Web based system for cleaning and classifying open text fields

    An Open Source, web based data cleaning and coding system. queXC takes a data file (such as questionnaire data) and cleans the text input fields by spacing and spell checking them. Operators then code text fields using new/existing coding schemes.
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    Distributed MultiThreaded Checkpointing

    Distributed MultiThreaded Checkpointing

    Checkpoint/Restart functionality for Linux processes

    DMTCP (Distributed MultiThreaded Checkpointing) transparently checkpoints a single-host or distributed computation in user-space -- with no modifications to user code or to the O/S. It works on most Linux applications, including Python, Matlab, R, GUI desktops, MPI, etc. It is robust and widely used (on Sourceforge since 2007). Among the applications supported by DMTCP are MPI (various implementations), OpenMP, MATLAB, Python, Perl, R, and many programming languages and shell scripting...
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  • BytePlus Recommend achieves higher retention, engagement, and revenue using our advanced ML models. Icon
    BytePlus Recommend achieves higher retention, engagement, and revenue using our advanced ML models.

    Enhance every step of the user journey with personalized recommendations

    BytePlus Recommend helps businesses to deliver tailored customer experiences through personalized recommendations. Drawing on extensive experience in machine learning, our recommendations go beyond standard rule based recommendation services to deliver exceptional experiences across the entire customer journey.
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    Diffraction Contrast Tomography analysis code

    Diffraction contrast tomography code base, as developed by researchers from beamline ID19 of the ESRF, Grenoble, France, and Manchester University, UK.
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    A bioinformatics pipeline to analyze mtDNA from NGS data

    MToolBox is a highly automated bioinformatics pipeline to reconstruct and analyze human mitochondrial DNA from high throughput sequencing data. MToolBox includes an updated computational strategy to assemble mitochondrial genomes from Whole Exome and/or Genome Sequencing (PMID: 22669646) and an improved fragment-classify tool (PMID:22139932) for haplogroup assignment, functional and prioritization analysis of mitochondrial variants. MToolBox provides pathogenicity scores, profiles of genome...
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    Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solver

    Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solver lp_solve solves pure linear, (mixed) integer/binary, semi-cont and special ordered sets (SOS) models.lp_solve is written in ANSI C and can be compiled on many different platforms like Linux and WINDOWS
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    Utility to show live progress, status & stats for running simulations

    progrep is a command-line tool (Linux) to show live progress report, status & stats of a running simulation or compute job that executes a given number of iterations. It shows % completed, time remaining, time elapsed, number of threads, MPI_Rank(if any), CPU usage & speed (FPS). The FPS measures may be used in benchmarking, e.g. while optimizing HPC algorithms for performance. progrep supports both single-threaded and parallel (multicore/multinode - e.g. OpenMP/MPI) jobs. progrep can also...
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    The Development System for Auditory Modelling (DSAM) is a computational library designed specifically for producing simulations of the auditory system. It brings together many established auditory models within a flexible programming platform.
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    Analysis Nuclei DAB (AND) Tool

    Analysis Nuclei DAB (AND) Tool is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to analyse microscopy images representing cells with nuclei stained using DAB dyes. The tool requires as input the original RGB images, and the FastRed, FastBlue, DAB channel, easily obtained using the Fiji function: "ImageJ" -> "Image" -> "Colour Deconvolution" -> "FastRed FastBlue DAB" Then, the tool first segment the nuclei using the FastBlue channel and the DAB channel, and then computes statistics by subdividing...
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    Dedicated to computer-aided engineering Linux distribution

    CAELinux is an installable live (USB) Linux distribution dedicated to open source engineering with a focus on Computer Aided Engineering and Scientific Computing. Based on Ubuntu, it features a ready to use workstation environment for open source product development, makers and scientist with many CAD/CAM/CAE applications for mechanical design, stress analysis, heat transfer, flow simulation and CNC manufacturing / 3D printing as well as electronic design tools and a complete development...
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    OzGIS free open-source  mapping system

    OzGIS free open-source mapping system

    Analysis and display of Census, business, government attribute data

    OzGIS is an extensive mapping system for the analysis and display of geographically referenced data. Map data are downloaded from Census bureaux and map agencies or extracted from your own databases. The system can be used to to support management decisions associated with, for example, government planning, marketing, sales, site and personnel location, advertising and research. Systems for Windows, Mac and Ubuntu, source code, sample data files and manuals are included. DOWNLOAD...
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    City of Hope CpG Island Analysis Pipeline

    COHCAP (City of Hope CpG Island Analysis Pipeline, pronounced "co-cap") is an algorithm to analyze single-nucleotide resolution methylation data (Illumina 450k methylation array, targeted BS-Seq, etc.). Please note: 1) The SourceForge version of COHCAP is no longer being updated. Please see the GitHub version: This was the source repository for the Bioconductor version, with some changes after the decision to only provide the code through GitHub...
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    Python4Proteomics Course

    Python4Proteomics Course

    Python course for Proteomics analysis

    Python course (in Spanish) for Proteomics analysis using basically Jupyter NoteBooks. For more information, you can have a look at the file in the source code tree:
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  • 20
    smib is one of the smallest and simplest computer algebra system in the world, but simple does not mean simplistic. Using smib you can explore many branches of mathematics (e.g. number theory, algebra, calculus, numerical analysis, differential geometry, probability and stochastic calculus) and also some physics (e.g. electromagnetism and quantum mechanics).. By simple you can understand easy to program (smib is a dynamically typed language, with strong affinity to recursivity, programs...
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    CS Books

    CS Books

    Computer Science Books

    Computer science books computer technology books PDF. The books in this warehouse come from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author. It is not for profit, but only for learning and use.
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    Static analysis for Angular projects

    A set of tslint rules for static code analysis of Angular TypeScript projects. (If you are using ESLint check out the new angular-eslint repository.). You can run the static code analyzer over web apps, NativeScript, Ionic, etc. Note that by default all components are aligned with the style guide so you won't see any errors in the console. Codelyzer supports any template and style language by custom hooks. If you're using Sass for instance, you can allow codelyzer to analyze your styles...
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    An open source framework for LC-MS based proteomics and metabolomics. OpenMS offers data structures and algorithms for the processing of mass spectrometry data. The library is written in C++. Our source code and wiki lives on GitHub (
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    Portfolio and risk analytics in Python

    pyfolio is a Python library for performance and risk analysis of financial portfolios developed by Quantopian Inc. It works well with the Zipline open source backtesting library. At the core of pyfolio is a so-called tear sheet that consists of various individual plots that provide a comprehensive image of the performance of a trading algorithm. Here's an example of a simple tear sheet analyzing a strategy. Quantopian also offers a fully managed service for professionals that includes Zipline...
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    Patlac--Xml2cpp is a totally customizable code generator that generates classes (c++ for now) automatically from a xsd schema. Classes are described in google-ctemplate files and a xml options file allow precise definition of projects.
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