A biochemical property prediction system
object-based image analysis framework
A user-extensible Freemat based 1DGC and GCxGC data analysis software.
sequence/structural analysis programs
A tool for 2D/ 3D multi-color super resolution microscopy
Calculates SF, BM, Slope and Deflection.
Interval Calculator for Engineer
Graphical Interface for Medical Image Analysis and Simulation
LC-MS/MS data browser designed for siderophore analysis
Modeling and Simulation made NiCE!
Virtual Box VDI of SliTaz Linux with Savuka installed and configured
interactive 2D plotter
3d beam FEM structural analysis
APL@Voro a tool for model bilayer simulation analysis.
A highly flexible 3D flocking boids simulator, conceived as a tool for
Phase Sensitive Detection and Modulated Enhanced Diffraction Software
Polarized ToF reflectivity raw data analysis tool
Scientific Computation and Visualization Environment
Open source 3D Matlab Isogeometric Analysis Code