Maui is the Maltcms User Interface
Repository of desktops and programs for the Cygwin platform
An R package enabling R to interact with Stata for data exchange
Java-based scientific graphics
Canreg5 is a software package for population based cancer registries
IAP - the Integrated Analysis Pipeline
Assessing mRNA integrity directly from RNA-Seq data
Non-Coding RNA PROfiling from sRNA-seq
The Non-Outlier Fragment Ion ranking for enhaced DIA quantification
Human protein similarity network used to predict drug safety.
Propensity score matching in SPSS
A lot of fish in a shoal, in a gigantic scientific ocean.
Integrated pipeline for HT miRNA-Seq data analysis
Aberration detection in tumour exome
Beer festival cellar management database and related software.
DEW is a platform that allows users to explore RNA-Seq data
A graphical user interface to R for use in Clinical Chemistry
Analyze time-course data with significance tests, clustering, modeling
A pipeline for quantitative proteomics based upon isobaric tags