RTTI for Python Source and Binary Files
Arno-Can's Python based API Reference Generator.
Utilities for platform indepentent low-level system APIs.
Crossplatform files synchronization and backup portable tool.
Automatic persistent logbooks for Linux shell sessions (bash, tcsh...)
Automate the schedule of multiple remote controlled aquarium lights
Show devices in a lan
Generating cells for electronic structure calculations from CIF files
Tool to acquire hard disk drive temperature from the network interface
Elasticsearch to Pandas dataframe or CSV
Free and open source task scheduler
Project moved to https://github.com/owfs/owfs/
Python code drive PT6961 Led Sign AH41-01158A
A simple Python framework for loosely-coupled multiphysics simulations
SAN visualization tool
command line tool to scan, detect, stream and control chrome cast
BitTorrent client.