XSSer: Cross Site Scripter
A Sudoku puzzle game
A word puzzle game with a set of words scrambled.
Blind Chess using Taiwan rule
Face Recognition based Attendance System for school, college...
Most Advanced Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Framework
PySCeS is the Python Simulator of Cellular Systems
portable administration tool for LDAP, DNS, IMAP, PostgreSQL and more
Monitor monthly internet Transmit and Receive bandwidth usage - Linux
Seo Tool: AI Autoblogger for ArtikelSchreiber.com and UNAIQUE.net
ArchMint GNU/Linux Distro
Mutation Identification in Model Organism Genomes using Desktop PCs
software for email automation (newsletters, transaction mails, etc.)
IDLE Extensions
Modbus TCP/RTU Slave Software.
Decrypt encryptions without knowing the key or cipher
A demonstration python animation system tray X86
Kubeflow’s superfood for Data Scientists
Tool to ping hosts through firewalls blocking ICMP
Arista CVP EVPN ConfigBuilder