Test and Item Analysis via Shiny
Psychometric meta-analysis toolkit
An R package for Bayesian structural equation modeling
A fast and flexible Structural Equation Modelling Framework
The Model Zoo of cognitive diagnosis models
Count frequency of single, 2-word and 3-word clusters in a text
Datasets in Education and convenient interface for dataset
measuring bimanual simple visual reaction time
Package for Cognitively Diagnostic Analyses
مكتبة أبجد
Enhance useful field of view, speed of responsiveness, brain exerciser
A color sonification device for navigation and classification
Matlab toolbox to run a GLM on graph theoretic properties in MRI data
A mindmap toolkit to create a snapshot of your life
screen colors get changed by a neural net
QueLang is a designing tool to use for Questionnaire Design.
A system for agent-based modelling in political psychology
Lightweight Architecture for boundedly Rational Agents
questionnaire, survey, php, yaml, likert, tests, research, psychology
a book written by me for newbies