Showing 50 open source projects for "x86_64-linux-gnu"

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  • Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero Icon
    Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero

    Save 90% for 6 months on Xero's award-winning accounting and online bookkeeping platform for businesses of all sizes and stages of growth.

    Xero offers a robust ecosystem of connected apps and integrations with banks and financial institutions, enabling small businesses to access a wide range of solutions within Xero's open platform to streamline operations and manage finances. Additionally, accounting and bookkeeping firms benefit from efficient compliance tools, advanced practice management software, and a cloud-based unified accounting ledger for all clients, centralized in one place.
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  • JobNimbus Construction Software Icon
    JobNimbus Construction Software

    For Roofers, Remodelers, Contractors, Home Service Industry

    Track leads, jobs, and tasks from one easy to use software. You can access your information wherever you are, get everyone on the same page, and grow your business.
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  • 1


    Self hosted FLOSS fitness/workout, nutrition and weight tracker

    wger Workout Manager is a free and open web application that manages your exercises, routines and nutrition. It started out as a personal project to replace my growing collection of spreadsheets but has turned into something that other people may find useful. You can create and manage flexible training routines for whatever goals you have. Select exactly what exercises you are going to do and how many repetitions, time or distance you want to do. You can also combine different workouts in...
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  • 2


    A little word cloud generator in Python

    ... system being used. The wordcloud_cli tool can be used to generate word clouds directly from the command-line. If you're dealing with PDF files, then pdftotext, included by default with many Linux distribution, comes in handy. Use wordcloud_cli --help so see all available options. The wordcloud library is MIT licenced, but contains DroidSansMono.ttf, a true type font by Google, that is apache licensed.
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  • 3


    Powerful open source team chat application

    Zulip is a powerful open source group chat application that combines the immediacy of real-time chat with the productivity benefits of a threaded conversation model. Zulip’s unique threading model allows users to easily catch up on important conversations, helping to save time and increase productivity.
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  • 4
    URS (Universal Reddit Scraper)

    URS (Universal Reddit Scraper)

    A comprehensive Reddit scraping command-line tool written in Python

    Universal Reddit Scraper, a comprehensive Reddit scraping command-line tool written in Python. Whether you are using URS for enterprise or personal use, I am very interested in hearing about your use case and how it has helped you achieve a goal. This is a comprehensive Reddit scraping tool that integrates multiple features. All files except for those generated by the wordcloud tool are exported to JSON by default. Wordcloud files are exported to PNG by default. All exported files are saved...
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  • EBizCharge Payment Platform for Accounts Receivable Icon
    EBizCharge Payment Platform for Accounts Receivable

    Getting paid has never been easier.

    Don’t let unpaid invoices limit your business’s growth. EBizCharge plugs directly into the tools your business already uses to speed up payment collection.
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  • 5
    Intention Repeater MAX

    Intention Repeater MAX

    Repeating your Intentions to aid in manifestation

    Please see the README.txt. The ServitorConnect 4443 and Python Daemon and Intention Repeater Android are better because repeating once-per-hour is better than millions of times per second (or even 3Hz). The archive bundle includes binaries and source code for: MAX and Simple Intention Repeaters CUDA version for Windows/Linux Memory Frequency Generator Multi-Format to WAV Repeater Android app Sourcecode File/Image Writers Nesting Files Creator...
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  • 6

    Universal Clock

    simple universal clock

    a simple Windows software called Kara Universal Clock. Using this program, you can see the current date and time of that city by typing the first letters of the desired city and selecting that city from the list. This software can be used for those who work with foreign clients, work in international companies, or for any reason need to know the exact time of a city anywhere in the world.
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  • 7


    yapomo - Yet Another Pomodoro Timer

    This is a simple pomodoro timer to use during your work day, with a tkinter graphical interface.
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  • 8
    Data Entry System v2

    Data Entry System v2

    Framework with web data entry, OCR & designer

    Framework with web data entry,, verification, OCR & project designer. It works with Docker or Debian dedicated server. Fast and Optimized version.
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  • 9


    Set styles to words and create a Table of Contents in a click

    KeyParaStocX (Keyword-based Paragraph Styling and Table of Contents eXtension) is a LibreOffice/Apache OpenOffice/ extension that searches for the configured keywords in a text, changes their style and builds a Table of Contents for them, up to 7 levels. The keywords and their target styles can be configured by the users and used for every document they open. The extension integrates into Writer options and is independent of the operating system (should work on all). See...
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  • The Secure Workspace for Remote Work Icon
    The Secure Workspace for Remote Work

    Venn isolates and protects work from any personal use on the same computer, whether BYO or company issued.

    Venn is a secure workspace for remote work that isolates and protects work from any personal use on the same computer. Work lives in a secure local enclave that is company controlled, where all data is encrypted and access is managed. Within the enclave – visually indicated by the Blue Border around these applications – business activity is walled off from anything that happens on the personal side. As a result, work and personal uses can now safely coexist on the same computer.
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  • 10


    Smart timer to get you notified

    Clockwise - Timer A digital timer designed for people who need extra support keeping track of time. A good area of use is on student computers in elementary school, high school or other post-secondary education. For people who want to keep track of time on their own instead of, for example, timers in the classroom or at home. Developed in Python by Sigge Arkestål, a 5:th grade student from Sweden.
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  • 11


    A timer for the desktop.

    Desk-Timer is a simple timer for the daily usage on the desktop. The main goal of Desk-Timer is to have a simple and easy to use timer, that provides nothing more than what it should do, while looking simple, cleaned up and neat.
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  • 12


    A basic FTP-enabled notepad

    TinyJot is a basic notepad with FTP capabilities. It can open, edit and save text files on a local drive, or open, edit and save a text logfile on a remote FTP server.
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  • 13
    scrbreak (ScreenBreak)

    scrbreak (ScreenBreak)

    A program to help you achieve better screen time habits

    scrbreak scrbreak (pronounced Screen Break) is a Windows tool that works as a Timer to remind you to take a break from your screen every 30 minutes or a predefined number of minutes Introduction It is a no secret that no matter how many filters you have on your PC’s screen or how many awards your monitor won in eye care, You will still need to take a break from your PC’s display every predefined amount of minutes to help protect your eyes and prevent sleeplessness. Since no piece of...
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  • 14


    Gestor de Tareas

    Es un Gestor de Tareas que permite la creación, administración y seguimiento de tareas de manera eficiente. Está diseñado para ayudar a los usuarios a organizar sus actividades, establecer prioridades y asegurarse de que se completen a tiempo.
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  • 15


    StudieCompact vat al jouw studiewijzers samen in één overzicht

    StudieCompact zet al het huiswerk uit jouw studiewijzers in één overzichtelijk studieschema. Zo werkt het: de app leest wat er in je studiewijzers staat, selecteert het huiswerk, en zet het op een rijtje. Dit wordt geordend per week en vak, en er wordt opmaak toegevoegd. Als laatste stap wordt het allemaal opgeslagen in één overzichtelijk Word document, dat je de hele periode kunt gebruiken, voor ál je vakken. StudieCompact is gratis, open-source software. Dat betekent dat we geen...
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  • 16


    A command-line tool designed to store CLI commands for quick access

    It is a command-line tool designed to store CLI commands for quick access and usage. Think of it as a simple notes app specifically tailored for storing commands using customizable keys. The package is available on PyPi: For more information, please check out the GitHub repository:
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  • 17
    Midbar Desktop App

    Midbar Desktop App

    Standalone desktop app from the Midbar project

    This repository contains the standalone desktop application from the Midbar project. The app operates entirely offline and does not require an internet connection. GitHub repository:
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  • 18
    Mindfulness at the Computer

    Mindfulness at the Computer

    Helps you stay mindful of your breathing while using your computer

    This application reminds you to take breaks from the computer, helps you remember to stay in touch with and be mindful of your breathing and body while sitting at the computer, and helps you concentrate on breathing in and out when you need a breathing pause.
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  • 19

    downcount Countdown Timer

    An uncluttered countdown timer in pygtk

    Moved to
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  • 20


    A simple reminder Gui for Linux using wxpython

    A simple reminder tool for those of us who have lots to do and a mind like a sieve. The following types of reminder can be created: One off, at a specified date and time; every 15 minutes; every 30 minutes; every 45 minutes; every hour; daily; monthly; weekly; annually; last day of the month; penultimate day of the month; the 1st,2nd,3rd,4th or last Monday of the month; the 1st,2nd,3rd,4th or last Tuesday of the month; the 1st,2nd,3rd,4th or last Wednesday of the month; the...
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  • 21


    A free Python source code editor and Notepad replacement for Windows

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  • 22
    Carlo Acutis Novena

    Carlo Acutis Novena

    Copyleft novena text and illustrations to meditate

    French, Italian and Spanish copyleft novena text and illustrations to meditate with Carlo Acutis, a defunct Italian catholic teenager who documented eucharistic miracles and liked dolphins.
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  • 23


    Create a wordcloud for a Git repository

    Create a wordcloud for a Git repository. Can also create wordclouds from directories of source files or a single source file. wordle uses tox to automate testing and packaging, and pre-commit to maintain code quality. Tests are run with tox and pytest. To run tests for a specific Python version, such as Python 3.6. The documentation is powered by Sphinx. A local copy of the documentation can be built with tox. Type annotations are checked using mypy. Run mypy using tox.
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  • 24
    IDEA (Text Data Visualizer)

    IDEA (Text Data Visualizer)

    Text Data Visualizer with Django

    It is hard for non-developer to visualize data. But if you use IDEA, you can visualize data easily. If you want to test Project: IDEA locally on your environment, you require mecab-ko and mecab-ko-dic. If you have some data which you want to visualize, just put it in IDEA. Then click the Visualization button!
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  • 25

    Pi alarm clock

    Raspberry pi + adafruit cap tft + ada fruit case +python code

    Raspberry pi adafruit capacitive touch tft ada fruit case for pi ldr +capacitor for background light level dfc77 receiver for time python code based on wiringpi2, pygame
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