A web based file manager, web IDE / browser based code editor
An open source document management tool
Build custom admin panels
Thousands of code solutions with clear explanation
Admin interface for managing users, roles, and permissions
JUL Designer - a RAD tool for JavaScript
An app for storing code, text & more. A popular Open Source pastebin.
WordPress Plug curates list of links with titles icons and categories.
This youtube to mp3 converter is a full php scripts for webmasters. No
phpmyadmin custom menu hacking code.
Monsta FTP is a delightfully intuitive web-based file manager.
Edit the OCR text layer of DjVu documents in a web browser
Lightweight php class for formatting sql statements
An online platform to create, find and visit exhibitions
Netbeans Plugin for phpmd, phpcs, checkstyle and phpcpd.
Koko is a simple PHP-based pastebin that can be used from a terminal
This is an updated version of the IMAP Migration Tool
Community board widget for websites
Programa - web-php para gestionar facturas en base de datos mysql.
Pastebin is here to help you collaborate on debugging code snippets