A fast and open replacement for Windows and OS X
Just Browsing - when all you need is a web browser.
SafeToNet Linux Operating System
MinistryUse open SUSE is a linux operating system for Christians.
Mac OSX Style Linux Desktop with Webmin managed Server
Quick booting OS Built for live usb web browsing
A browser-only OS for web kiosks & web workstations.
The fastest booting Mac OS X like LXDE Live CD distro around
A complete windows 7 styled mintyMac xfce desktop with wine 1.7.22
a secure, open source OS for use inside USEagency facilities
Mac OSX style and feel on the latest Cinnamon Desktop
Cinnamon Desktop 2.2.8 on Ubuntu 14.04 Mini
Allowing you to use the Linux desktop everywhere you are
Django Live OS for building webapps using Django and MongoDB.
demaOS | Sourceforge
Operating System for gaming, working, writing and browse the web +mail
Linux for Otaku
The secure and fast operating system with opera, flash player and slit