Store, send and share digital pictures, supporting JPG, PNG, WebP
Simple GTK# Paint Program
Plays & manages your music library. Looks beautiful & juicy
Rapidly deploy multiple-hasty Docker containers
Installs 180 Photoshop and GIMP Brushes, Plugins + Scripts fast
Scan documents to PDF and other file types, as simply as possible.
LDraw™ editor for LEGO® style digital building instructions.
MediaFileDuplicateFinder finds duplicated video, image, & audio files
MIDI router with a node-based interface and Lua scripting
This project contais several Direct Show filters from Microsoft SDK.
This program allows you to view BPG Images in Windows,Linux and macOS.
The Ultimate Audio Recording Studio for Linux
This tool helps you to create a LCARS-like gui
Renders glycans and glycopeptides with frag. info using SNFG format
Use & manage easily your media files
A modern, electron and nodejs based image viewer for Mac, Windows
Free drawing software for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux
This pack add's custom object and rides into your "RCT3 Platinum" game
Snip screenshots and dock them so you can refer to them while working.
Gimpel3D - 2D/3D Stereo Conversion Editor
OpenCV library wrapper for Lua language