convert, edit, record, download, player, streaming and cd ripper
The old school media player
Software Facil, Vida Facil
Utility to quickly save screenshots in a numbered, orderly fashion.
Write, check, index and diagram Z specifications in Microsoft Word.
Analyze audio files for Peak levels, peak and total RMS, and DC offset
A lightweight image viewer with basic image processing
Converts PNGs to JPEGs and vice versa
Analyzes and adjusts the volume of MP3 files
Changing format video without re-encoding with FFMpeg
Download And Share YouTube Videos Easily !
Present media in JW meetings
An open source toolkit for real space missions
DAG Powered By Software And Games
The Bass.dll COM Wrapper for Visual Basic 6.0
Play your media files with this awesome .NET Media Player
Popup notification when encoding is done
Software audio player for car PC
This is a media player programmed in VB6 with full library support
Powerfull ATL Based Library (for VB6) / Strong Class Relations