A Web application to publish, sort and comment your pictures.
An Internet Browser Based Piano and Drum kit Software
A modern ebook reader and library manager
Easy Tools of PDF, Image, File, Network, Data, and Medias
Html5 simple pdf reader
Simple Infopanel is a free digital signage software in PHP and React
Easily access your music collection from any device, anywhere.
ZY Player repository
Webinterface for minidlna
Perform animations when a React component enters or leaves the DOM
HTML5 Based Subtitle Creation Tool
webapp for itunes, mpd, squeezebox, xmms2 &c.
RhinOS, CMS, Content Management System, Josep Sanz Campderrós
Webbased modeling tool
A bunch of unofficial icons based on Google's Material Design Icons.
An easy to integrate color picker / theme selector for website designs
A versatile image viewing environment for the internet
Presentation framework based on CSS3 transforms & transitions
Small, elegant pure css spinner for ajax or loading animation
Svelte Animation on Scroll
A highly scalable real-time graphing system
Simple, responsive, modern SVG Charts with zero dependencies