Vulkan-based implementation of D3D9, D3D10 and D3D11 for Linux / Wine
Android real-time display control software
OpenGL Mathematics (GLM)
Modern music player and library organizer
X-Plane plugin that displays a tablet to aid VR usage
Multi-purpose serial data visualization & processing
Pencil2D is an easy, intuitive tool to make 2D hand-drawn animations
The fre:ac audio converter project
A modern and transparent way to use Windows VST2, VST3 and CLAP plugin
Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool
A standalone, large scale, open project for 2D/3D image processing
Synchronous multiroom audio player
Generated headers and sources for OpenXR loader
Very customizable imageboard/booru downloader with powerful filenaming
Video, Image and GIF upscale/enlarge(Super-Resolution)
An open source and free music notation software
Dust3D is a cross-platform open-source 3D modeling software
The Librum client application
SonoBus, a real-time network audio streaming collaboration tool
The FastLED library for colored LED animation on Arduino
Real-time physically based rendering engine for Android, iOS, and more
RenderDoc is a stand-alone graphics debugging tool
Mixxx is Free DJ software that gives you everything you need
Utility to convert between various subscription format
Vircadia open source metaverse platform