Showing 21 open source projects for "sse vector math"

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    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

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    Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar

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  • 1
    OpenGL Mathematics

    OpenGL Mathematics

    Highly Optimized Graphics Math (glm) for C

    Highly optimized 2D|3D math library, also known as OpenGL Mathematics (glm) for `C`. cglm provides lot of utils to help math operations to be fast and quick to write. It is community-friendly, feel free to bring any issues, bugs you faced. Almost all functions (inline versions) and parameters are documented inside the corresponding headers. OpenGL-related functions are dropped to make this lib platform/third-party independent. Make sure you have the latest version and feel free to report bugs...
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    This is the fast and Free (LGPL license) real time MPEG Audio Layer 1, 2 and 3 decoding library and console player. It uses floating point or integer math, along with several special optimizations (3DNow, SSE, ARM, ...) to make it most efficient.
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    Lynkeos is an astronomical webcam image processing software for OS X.

    Lynkeos is a Cocoa® application dedicated to the processing of astronomical digital images taken through a telescope. It is optimized for SSE vectorized instructions sets, multi-processor and multi-core machines.
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    Another drawing editor for LaTeX with PSTricks & TikZ

    jPicEdt is an extensible internationalized vector-based drawing editor for LaTeX and related packages (TikZ, PsTricks,...), written in Java. It is also a library of reusable high-level graphic primitives.
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

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    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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    svg editor: Easily create documents for math, physics, chemistry...

    Easily create documents for math, physics, chemistry, biology and other sciences... Book, exam and activity preparation program Easily import application vectors such as geogebra, chart, mathlive, ckeditor, desmos, permaclipart into your document, or import vectors from pdf files into your document, save and rearrange your file. if you want You can use the documents you have prepared on your website or convert them to pdf. Matcik advanced online svg editor. Matematik, fizik, kimya...
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  • 6


    C++ header-only library that simulates GLSL math

    GLSLmath provides C++ math operations as defined by GLSL. For example, it provides methods to easily setup viewing transformations and perspective projections. GLSLmath has been inspired by the glm and slmath libraries, which aim to mimic GLSL, but in contrast to those GLSLmath does not focus on a complete conforming implementation of GLSL. It rather aims to provide a convenient single header file that implements the most commonly used subset of GLSL so that it is easy to use for rapid...
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  • 7


    Javascript Matrix and Vector library for High Performance WebGL apps

    Javascript has evolved into a language capable of handling realtime 3D graphics, via WebGL, and computationally intensive tasks such as physics simulations. These types of applications demand high performance vector and matrix math, which is something that Javascript doesn't provide by default. glMatrix to the rescue! glMatrix is designed to perform vector and matrix operations stupidly fast! By hand-tuning each function for maximum performance and encouraging efficient usage patterns through...
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    CAD application for Technical Drawing exercises

    JDrafting is an open source Java application to create Technical Drawing exercises. This application is inspired by the 'Classical Construction', also known as 'Ruler-and-compass Construction' or 'Compass-and-straightedge construction'. However, another drawing tools can be used. (More info about classical construction: Download examples in 'Files tab' JRE 8+...
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    Flat, round, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas & SVG

    .... Zdog was designed to bring the simplicity of vector illustration into 3D. Drawing circles and squares is easy and fun. Zdog just adds another dimension. It renders all shapes using 2D drawing API in <canvas> or <svg>. Spheres are actually dots. Toruses are actually circles . Capsules are actually thick lines. It’s a simple, but effective trick. The underlying 3D math comes from Rotating 3D Shapes by Peter Collingridge.
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • 10

    Gphoton: simple 3d ray tracer

    Gphoton in a simple 3d modeler and ray tracer.

    ... was trying to do 3D on early computers - big BW pixels! By late 80s I saw ray tracing and had to write my own. I wrote the 1st ver while taking vector calculus and CAD programming classes c. '92. I was intrigued not only by the beauty of the math but also ray tracing curved metals. This is actually the 2nd ver, ported from MFC to gnome (with enhancements like optional GL) c. '00 with some help from David. Apr'17: Updated to compile on recent Ubuntu/Debian - still runs, even on a pi!
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    Java library for drawing 2D charts with LaTeX math support

    Call me a purist, but I was never happy with the graphs produced with existing (free) Java tools. My dream package is lightweight with minimal dependencies, offers clean vector-graphics export and TeX-support for typesetting mathematical elements in axis labels, chart legends etc. This is hard (impossible?) to find and I thus decided to construct my own, mostly from existing code. This project is based on refactored versions of the popular packages 'XChart' (orig. by Tim Molter, © Knowm Inc...
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  • 12
    The CML (Configurable Math Library) is a free, open-source C++ vector, matrix, and quaternion math library designed for use in games, graphics, computational geometry, and related applications. Please note: the CML source has moved to GitHub:
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    Medical Data Segmentation Toolkit
    MDSTk is a collection of 2D/3D image processing tools aimed at medical images. It contains routines for volume data processing (3D filtering, segmentation, etc.) as well as fast low-level vector graphics library for surface and tetrahedral meshing. MDSTk has been forked by 3Dim Laboratory s.r.o. to provide better support and further push its development forward. Please check VPL (Voxel Processing Library) project available on Bitbucket (
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  • 14
    Vector,quaternion,matrix math library

    Vector,quaternion,matrix math library

    Free vector,quaternion,matrix math library

    Over 75 C++ function for working with vectors, matrix and quaternions. Inside the package there is no cycles, if's, classes or structures. Ideal for designing 3D engines. Headlines of functions are intuitive. For each headline there is a one line comment in Russian. Matrix are presented in OpenGL form 0 4 8 12 1 5 9 13 2 6 10 14 3 7 11 15 Now we are working on adding 50+ more functions for processing the planes, splines, bezier curves and interpolation methods.
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    Vector and Matrix Math Library

    Obsolete: use

    VMMLib is a vector and matrix math library implemented using C++ templates, thus making it very easy to integrate into other libraries and programs. It is developed at the VMML, University of Zürich.
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    Instant Image Rotation can now be done on Firefox. RotateFox library is a pure Javascript library that implements all necessary Linear Algebra functions that are required for image rotation. RotateFox has done all mathematical jobs, no math knowledge is
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    x86mph is an optimized library with vector, matrix, and vertex helpers (including an own TnL) It also contains memory helpers, and other stuff such as image processing (color inverting, changing bpp) taking advantage of x86's 3DNow!, MMX, and SSE
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    MATHLIB3D: MATHLIB3D is a Vector/Matrix/Quaternion/Plane/Polynomial C++/Java library targeting either precision or fast mathematical operations executed on vectors, matrices and quaternions.
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    A clean OpenGL solution on VCL/CLX, including the OpenGL API interface, the OpenGL Widget, vector & matrix math routines, and other basic stuffs. Aims to provide a easy and clean start for OpenGL projects using Delphi or Kylix.
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    The Latrans Library Suite is a collection of libraries designed to aid in graphics programming. The two major libraries included in the suite provide a library for matrix and vector math, and a library for loading and manipulating images.
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    RenderStack is a support library for OpenGL 3+, currently in C++. Features currently for example basic window creation, mesh generation, wrappers for OpenGL programs, framebuffer, texture and vertex buffer objects. Predecessor: Successor:
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