Image loading for Android backed by Kotlin Coroutines
A speech-text foundation model for real time dialogue
Nyquist is a language for sound synthesis and music composition.
Kisekae UltraKiss is a full featured integrated development environmen
A pixel art editor that supports animation and scripting
Сonvenient, functional and versatile palette.
Database ERD- design tool with Reverse Engineering
aPhoto is a Batch Intuitive Program Makes Text and Image Watermarks
Look at your pixel art images without blur and zoom limitations.
GLSL shader prototyping tool based on Eclipse IDE.
GladivsSC is a simple and lightweight screen capture application.
Lightweight and fast music player
pure JavaScript SID soundchip emulator and player for Web Audio API
Java library for drawing 2D charts with LaTeX math support
Java powered tool, to create music
Open Source Pixel Editor
Lightweight library for using binaural beats in java
Extensible Brainwave Entrainment library for Java
Downloads and organises lecture recordings from UQ's Blackboard site.
JChords Guitar Chords and Tunings Library
A light weight mp3 tag editor tool
A GUI Level Editor for the Enigma Game