Former home of the Virtual Cell platform (VCell), see
Simulation of EPR spectra of nitroxide biradicals
Perl-based tool for evaluating multiple sequence alignments
PDBManip is a free program for editing PDB (Protein Data Bank) Files
PYthon eXtension for Ab Initio Dynamics
Compute protein graphs. Moved to
Analyze molecular simulation data
Reference based genome assembly and annotation for new genome
REDO - RNA Editing Detection in Organelle
A Modular Python Toolbox for Cross-Platform Post-Processing of Quantum
Open-Source Cheminformatics and Machine Learning
Periodic Table of Elements a quick reference tool
Graphic molecular dynamic package.
Quantum Chemistry: Excited States Topology
Library written in C with Python API for IPv6 networking
Error Correction Module for Illumina Sequencing Reads
Human protein similarity network used to predict drug safety.