General Mission Analysis Tool
An open source software-defined GNSS receiver
Physically accurate and validated GPU ray-tracer
A file format for exchanging computational models in systems biology
Free open-source fatigue analysis software
Weld Optimization for Automatic Welding
A 3D surface and volumetric mesh generator for MATLAB/Octave
Routines for wavefront propagation in IDL, Matlab, and Python
Quaternion and octonion toolbox for Matlab
Queueing Theory Algorithms
A toolbox for computing with Clifford algebras in MATLAB
Dynamics of quantum systems, controlled by external fields
a Small (Matlab/Octave) Toolbox for Kriging
Static and Dynamic Structural Analysis of 2D and 3D frames.
GNU octave bindings to the cfitsio library
Rapid, unbiased, reproducible analysis of synaptic events
Constructing and optimizing general mathematical and physical models
A Matlab software to estimate Euler pole parameters
A shared memory parallel sparse matrix library including Sparse BLAS.
A MATLAB(R) Mex-DLL to SQLite Databases