Plotly Graphing Library for MATLAB
ROBOTIS Dynamixel SDK (Protocol1.0/2.0)
Evolutionary multi-objective optimization platform
fast C++ library for linear algebra & scientific computing
Spatially Oriented Format for Acoustics
Artifact3-D: 3D Analysis and Documentation of Archaeological Artifacts
ASALI is an open-source code for chemical engineers
Class library for computational cybernetics
A shared memory parallel sparse matrix library including Sparse BLAS.
ReViSP, a 3D volume rendering MATLAB tool for multicellular spheroids
Building blocks for the renewable energy industry.
psychophysical experiment control, data collection and visualization
Source code of DC-HDP
Robotics Toolbox for MATLAB
Diffraction Contrast Tomography analysis code
Analysis Nuclei DAB (AND) Tool
Isolation‐based anomaly detection using nearest‐neighbor ensembles
Translator from restricted matlab to C
An Efficient Binary data Format
Matlab code of machine learning algorithms in book PRML
A state-of-the-art facial behavior analysis toolkit