Equation of stock trading simplified to game of moving resizing balls
The econ theory is the value of buy and sell are usually equal, at whatever free market price at the time, so if we trade between 2 things, holding the total of those 2 equal eachother, then you can buy without anyone selling, or sell without anyone buying. Just change from one equal valued type to the other, and the total of all the A's and all the B's are scaled instantly to be the same amounts. Those who change to the majority side lose, and those who change to the minority side win, since it is scaled to the average. Its the same math as Matching Pennies and Odds And Evens game which are Rock Paper Scissors with 2 choices instead of 3 (buy vs sell). You see this in the size of balls changing depending where they move. Think of it as a 2d seesaw surface that never tilts because the masses of balls are adjusted to always balance.
This is the early start of a game based on that econ theory. Econ is boring in number and symbol form, but as a realtime game its more like dancing.