Flower: A Friendly Federated Learning Framework
TensorFlow documentation
OpenMMLab Model Deployment Framework
Open source framework for deep learning satellite and aerial imagery
Fast image augmentation library and an easy-to-use wrapper
Python package built to ease deep learning on graph
Multilingual Automatic Speech Recognition with word-level timestamps
Open source platform for the machine learning lifecycle
An MLOps framework to package, deploy, monitor and manage models
Benchmark datasets, data loaders, and evaluators for graph machine
Training data (data labeling, annotation, workflow) for all data types
The PyTorch-based audio source separation toolkit for researchers
The open-source tool for building high-quality datasets
A lightweight vision library for performing large object detection
Build portable, production-ready MLOps pipelines
The most intuitive, flexible, way for researchers to build models
A GPU-accelerated library containing highly optimized building blocks
mlpack: a scalable C++ machine learning library
A fast image processing library with low memory needs
Beta Machine Learning Toolkit
A retargetable MLIR-based machine learning compiler runtime toolkit
Single-cell analysis in Python
Python implementation of TextRank algorithms
Tensor Learning in Python
A scikit-learn compatible neural network library that wraps PyTorch