The perfect desktop for all with Compiz as default Window Manager
OSX Styled Powerful Audio Workstation
TNCLinux-2021.2-x64 3D CompizFusion Kernel 5.10.18
Pearl Desktop 8 is Super Fast, Extremely Customizable . Yet Elegant
Pearl Linux Xfce Desktop Final 32 bit release
Xfce Desktop with Kwin Window Manager for the Effects
Updated Manjaro 64 bit with multimedia support
OS X Alternative that installs on most new or old computers
mintyMac 64 bit xfce4 Linux Live is a fast Linux OS great for netbooks
mintyMac 64 bit OS with Xfce4, Gnome,and E17
Mate Desktop with OS X look and feel, System Sounds, MDM, Compiz etc
OSX feel with Mate Desktop, MDM, mintMenu, Compiz, Docky, theming
My Updated Unity Dark 12.04.3
Australis 12.04.1 is a fast smooth tweaked and polished operating syst
SprezzOS -- Linux for the discerning power user.
Unity Dark 64 , Based off 12.04.2 fully custom distro
Jessbuntu 64
Unity Dark 2 Custom Distro Tweaked out and ready to go!
12.04 Lts JessBuntu Eye Candy O.S
Zorin 06 Respin 32 bit
Unity Dark 12.04.1
Nosonja is Arch Linux based computer operating system.