Search Results for "finite element in java" - Page 4

Showing 220 open source projects for "finite element in java"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

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  • 1


    Old Repository of the Easy Agent Simulation (deprecated since Nov. 14)

    Check out the new project site on Sourceforge: (as of Nov. 15. 2014, this site is depricated.) EAS is a Java-based simulation platform, developed as part of a research project at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. It comes with a broad range of pre-developed simulation scenarios, ranging from virtual agents acting in abstract environments to agents with a spatial representation in 2D or 3D. It is built upon a novel architecture using...
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  • 2

    Advanced Numerical Instruments 2D

    Advanced numerical instruments: adaptive meshing, FE methods, solvers

    Ani2D provides portable libraries for each step in the numerical solution of systems of PDEs with variable tensorial coefficients: (1) unstructured adaptive mesh generation, (2) metric-based mesh adaptation, (3) finite element discretization and interpolation, (4) algebraic solvers.
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  • 3


    An 2D magnetotellurics finite element solver using unstructured grids

    MT2D is a two dimensional magnetotellurics or raido magnetotellurics forward modeling software. In terms of unstructured grids, it can deal with arbitrarily complicated models, including the surface topographies. It allows for arbitrary distributions of conductivity, permittivity and permeability. In addition, it offers two algorithms: the total field approach and the secondary field approach. At present, most of 2D MT modeling codes are developed in terms of Matlab or FORTRAN and...
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  • 4


    Experimental G-Code-Generator for variable density infill in FFF parts

    BoneSlicer is an experimental G-Code-Generator written in Java that allows creating load-adapted infill for 3D printed (FFF) parts, inspired by the adaptive structures of trabecular bone tissue. It uses a simple structural Finite Element Analysis to determine the distribution of mechanical stress within the part and offers tools to generate an infill structure consisting of multiple subareas of varying infill density. Subdivision of the infill area can be based on a broad spectrum of FEA result...
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 5


    A simple one-dimensional example of the OGFEM

    We apply the Orthonormalized Generalized Finite Element Method (OGFEM) to the one-dimensional inhomogeneous modified Helmholtz equation and compare its performance with the traditional Finite Element Method (FEM). The OGFEM avoids loss of accuracy by modifying the basis such that it results in a system matrix with a condition number which is significantly lower in comparison with the condition numbers obtained by the GFEM/XFEM or SGFEM/SXFEM. Consequently, enriched basis functions can...
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  • 6


    Your own fantasy script to xml

    This is a parser and writer to convert free script to xml. The script is defined in a package where each class describes one element. There are certainly other projects of this type. But this project is created to keep this transformation as simple as possible.
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  • 7
    Fast Finite Element Method implementation in native MATLAB.
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    Handles Hexahedral, Tetrahedral, Quadrilateral, and Triangle meshes. Lagrangian, Hierarchic, and Monomial finite elements. Interface to PETSc solvers, adaptive mesh refinement, and extreme portablility.
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    ViennaGrid is a generic mesh handling library that provides the traversal of structured and unstructured grids in arbitrary spatial dimensions, in particular 1d, 2d and 3d. Quantities can be conveniently stored on mesh elements using ViennaData.
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  • Power Up Your AI with Databricks – Free Trial Icon
    Power Up Your AI with Databricks – Free Trial

    Ready to revolutionize your data and AI game? Test Databricks free on your cloud of choice and see the difference.

    Take your data and AI to the next level with Databricks – free trial on AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Create production-ready Generative AI apps that are accurate, secure, and tailored to your business. Simplify data ingestion from hundreds of sources with effortless ETL automation. Plus, tap into instant, elastic serverless compute during your trial (available on AWS/Azure). Sign up with your work email now to unlock premium trial perks and transform how you work with data – don’t wait!
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  • 10

    Nonlocal and Gradient Elasticity

    Assessment of high order one-dimensional approximation schemes

    These Matlab scripts illustrate the numerical solution of two one-dimensional tensile rods equipped with integro-differential and strain-gradient constitutive laws by means of classical Hermitian and Lagrangian finite element discretizations, B-spline finite element discretizations and C∞ generalized finite element discretizations. Reference M. Malagù, E. Benvenuti, C. A. Duarte, and A. Simone. One-dimensional nonlocal and gradient elasticity: Assessment of high order approximation schemes...
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  • 11


    Mobster: a robust tool for Mobile Element Insertion detection in NGS

    Mobster is used to detect novel (non-reference) Mobile Element Insertion (MEI) events in BAM files and uses both a discordant read pair method and a split-read method.
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  • 12
    An application to load finite element models, and run specific analysis.
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    Java ThreadPool

    Simple java threadpool

    Java ThreadPool is a java framework which gives the user the possibility to execute a divided problem into a finite number of subproblems, execute each subproblems in an asynchronous way and combine the result of each subproblem in a final result for the initial problem. The division of the problem into subproblems and the combining the subproblems' results into a result for the initial problem, is the user responsability.
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    Java FiniteStateMachine

    Simple Finite State Machine in Java

    Implementation of a few Finite Automata in Java. The project is mainly of academic interest but can also be used to describe state transition diagrams in a business application. Check out the project wiki for a quick introduction:
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    AlgART Java Libraries

    Open source library for processing arrays and matrices

    AlgART Java libraries for processing arrays and matrices are open-source product, distributed under MIT license. So, anyone can use them for free without any restrictions. Main features: 63-bit addressing of array elements (64-bit long int indexes), memory model concept (allowing storing data in different schemes from RAM to mapped disk files), wide usage of lazy evaluations, built-in multithreading optimization for multi-core processors, wide set of image processing algorithms over matrices...
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  • 16


    Example GWT Project showing how to navigate between different views.

    One of the main features of a GWT application is, that you can write all your code in Java and do not need to care about HTML, CSS and JavaScript. All content can be loaded into the same div-element in one HTML-Standardpage. Sounds perfectly alright, but how do you navigate between different views, if for example you need a loginpage and don´t want the user to have access to your application before entering the right logindata? Of course there is the possibility to have more than one HTML...
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    Ellipt2d is a finite element program for solving second order, real and complex, two-dimensional elliptic problems with user-defined operators. Because Ellipt2d is written in Python, the code can easily be adapted for specific problems.
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    WOLFSIM: Wideband Optical FDTD Simulator

    FDTD Electomagnetic Wave Simulation Software

    WOLFSIM is a Finite-Difference Time-Domain electromagnetic simulator, designed to be easy to use but still very powerful, developed and maintained by researchers at North Carolina State University. It's features include: -1D, 2D, and 3D structures that are periodic in 1 or 2 dimensions -Materials that are anisotropic in permittivity and conductivity -Obliquely incident sources -Built-in vectorial (i.e. full polarization) near-to-far-field transformation See
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    CrowdDoc for Eclipse

    CrowdDoc provides a context-driven documentation from the web

    CrowdDoc is an Eclipse plugin aiming to provide most relevant information for the currently selected code element. The behaviour is similar to JavaDoc view, but is not limited to single language, and uses crowd-sourced documentation resources, such as StackOverflow. The project is inspired by a work from Ninlabs Research ( Eclipse p2 update site:
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    We are making the Lucene Korean Analyzer. The Korean Language dictionary is most important element in Lucene Korean Analyzer. We are making the Korean Dictionary for lucene korean analyzer also.
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    My ZZZ Knowledge Micro Web Base

    This is a base which stores knowledge in the form of nested sets

    Hi, we are introducing you something new - ZZZ Knowledge Base. This is a base which stores knowledge in the form of nested sets, each set can contain a virtually unlimited number of elements and, in turn, each element can contain multiple elements. The access time from multiple ELEMENT NOT DEPEND ON THE NUMBER OF ITEMS IN IT AND PRACTICAL instantaneous! The access to knowledge base is realized through a "server" to which you can connect an unlimited number of "clients" as one computer can...
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    Interactive communication boards for people with severe disabilities.

    TICO is currently a part of ARASUITE!!!! Please, look for ARASUITE in Sourceforge!!!! TICO is a tool for the design and execution of interactive communication boards. Communication boards are highly used in augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) environments.
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  • 23
    Stand-alone Java library implementing parser/formatter/comparator/validator for JSON/XML-like text formats oriented on JSON-like object model (list,map,scalar + reflection). Library is designed to maximize adaptivity via set of extendable modules.
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    Groundwater flow and transport simulation Matlab Toolbox

    The code has moved to The version here is outdated. mSim toolbox is a suite of Matlab functions which are primarily used to simulate Non Point Source Pollution in Groundwater aquifers based on Finite element methods. The current version of mSim solves the following equations in steady state: 1) Groundwater flow equation. 2) Particle Tracking. 3) 1D Advection dispersion equation. In addition mSim provides a number of functions which assist...
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    improved jmeter xpath plugins

    xpath plugin for jmeter with local namespace prefixes

    This is a clone of the "normal" xpath asserter and extractor for jmeter. The improvment, which, at least, is essential to me, is that you can define the namespace prefixes locally in the test element (asserter or extractor).
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