Larger Preinstalled Live Enviroments of FreeDOS 1.3
Hard disk drive and SSD health inspection tool
Find that huge folder that you didn't know it was there
A distributed cross-platform Telegram Bot
Software to create an exhibition wall and hang artworks on it.
Better than IntelliJ. Lightweight. Professional.
xDefrag is a small tool to defragment fragmented files on their hard d
Automatically exclude development dependencies from Apple Time backups
Two word describes it: BEAUTIFUL and STABLE
AIO Boot is a tool that can help you create a bootable USB with Grub2,
You can very easy make your own Kali remaster!
Portable OS X FOSS applications
Whole new online experience... a modern, stable, fast Linux distro
Format Your Disks Completely And Very Quickly!
x86-64 os made in crystal
It could not be easier to manage ZIPs than now with SPT Zip Manager
Buils your own Devuan Linux Live in 10 Minutes with Debootstrap
to create bootable usb from windows 7,8,10
Update Google drive permissions in bulk mode
Live Remasterable/Installable Debian based CD/DVD/USB/HDD
Live Remasterable/Installable Slackware based CD/DVD/USB/HDD
Live Remasterable/Installable Slackware/Debian based CD/USB/HDD
Brings a whole new experience... a modern, stable, fast Linux distro