SVG in Swift
A small C library for building user interfaces with C, XML and CSS.
CMS Minimal Responsive Design
HEML is an open source markup language for building responsive email
Web-enhanced Extensible Neovim Frontend
A set of vim, zsh, git, and tmux configuration files
Create HTML presentations in seconds
'HTML/JS OS' - Proof of Concept - ALPHA STATE
An in-depth machine learning tutorial
A knowledge management system based on an xml database
A set of tools and libraries to help with writing eBooks
Image Select is an extension of Chosen, a jQuery plugin
Style tools for UI components
Jekyll in Haskell (feat. LaTeX)
A framework for build smooth asynchronous iOS APP
Better MV-ish Framework
a better xml alternative format for all purposes
PHP-MySQL script to monitor clicks on html elements and advertisements
Create android app on offline using android phone. Free apk app maker.
Easily create front-end style guides with Markdown and Sass/SCSS
Binary distributions of Allegro 4.4+ and Allegro 5.2+ for MinGW
API-Makes static web pages readable with no coding
The last Markdown editor, ever