Search Results for "webcam capture image" - Page 5

Showing 312 open source projects for "webcam capture image"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

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  • 1


    The Complete 64bit Audio and Video Linux Workstation

    The mintyMac Star Studio Linux Distro is what we have all been waiting for from Linux and that is to really compete with OSX and Windows when it comes to Video viewing, streaming, converting and saving to file easily from yes, a Capture Card. The easycap USB capture card available on amazon for only 3 dollars yes $3.00... works flawlessly on Star Studio from mintyMac. Not only does the easycap work but plays well with our other video inputs including an HP HD webcam and a Hauppauge 150. Also...
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  • 2


    helps color-blind persons to work with color

    Helps color-blind persons to work with color, and can be used by others for educational purposes. Some modes are taken from commercial Eyepilot application, other modes added for fun/education. SpectroHelp has several tools and modes: * 'Wave tool' animates color selected by mouse across all image, and can help read complex colored diagrams like subways maps and pie charts * Dark and Light tool change lightness of all colors except selected by mouse * Some modes where introduced to map full...
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  • 3


    screen colors get changed by a neural net

    On the full screen or a frame the colors get changed dynamically by using a image recognition neural net.
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  • 4
    A Matlab toolbox for calibrating the Kinect Sensor. It provides functions to jointly calibrate the depth sensor with a color camera as well as to generate a depth map for the color image and reproject the points in metric coordinates.
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 5


    An intelligent screen capture application

    It's main idea is to automatically take screenshots whenever something changes on the screen. Focus on the task not being bothered by screenshots recording in the background. Record test cases, documentation, or whatever you want. Cross-platform. Requires Java 6 or higher. Integrated with JIRA. Published under GPL open-source license. Created by Marcin Nikliborc.
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  • 6


    Snip screenshots and dock them so you can refer to them while working.

    Snip screenshots and dock them so you can refer to them while working. Installer sets up a shortcut on desktop to run the program. Requires at least .NET Framework 4.0 (i.e. Runs only on Windows) Features: 1. Snip Screen: snip whatever portion of the screen interests you. 2. Dock: This snipped image will be docked on a screen edge or as a floating popup. 3. Whatever be the size of the image, the dock will automatically adjust its size. When docked, no other program can encroach...
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  • 7


    Visualize any data stream, recover images, save images as files.

    Turn any data stream into an image and observe various patterns and pictures. Recover images from corrupted or unknown archives (i.e. Windows hibernation files, binary dumps, etc.). Change channel order and pixel format on the fly to interpret given data in different ways. Easily adjust scanline and image tiling while inspecting data. Observe if given data stream has high entropy. Save currently visible data as an image and analyze it later.
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  • 8
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  • 9
    This program will help to make advise on adjusting the shooting EV value while you had assign interesting zones from your picture. It is an effort to carry the Zone System and principle of pre-view on digital camera color photography. Using this program, you should 1. capture a pre-view image first, 2. load it into program, 3. assign the brightest zone, darkest zone with as many interesting zones as you want then 4. push the "Calculate' button to see how many EV adjustment amount should...
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  • The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse Icon
    The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse

    Unlock faster queries without skyrocketing costs.

    ClickHouse powers businesses with the fastest open-source OLAP database, built for rapid analytics, observability, and business intelligence. Deploy on AWS, GCP, or your own VPC with BYOC, and query billions of rows in seconds – all cost-efficiently. Trusted by Sony, Lyft, and Cisco, it delivers unmatched speed, seamless stack integration, and enterprise-grade performance. Turn massive datasets into decisions with ClickHouse.
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  • 10


    yieldbuddy - an Arduino and Raspberry Pi based Environment Controller

    .... The Raspberry Pi runs a python script to receive serial messages from the Arduino, interpret them, and log all the necessary data into an SQL database. The SQL database can be run on a remote server or the Raspberry Pi itself, although its recommended to log your data to a remote server to keep the Raspberry Pi running smoothly. For a Forum, SD card image (wheezy + yieldbuddy), and more information visit the:
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  • 11


    Here is the part of the page2Image project source code, you can downlo

    The page2Images is to capture the desktop web site on a mobile phone a full-size display thumbnails. There are a lot of mobile emulators in the internet. But most of them are fake and does not support javasript and flash very well.Also, they does not support redirect actions. You will not see the real result in the phone. Page2Images provide this tool to fix all of those problem.100% mobile websites friendly,Flash/heavy Javascript friendly, 99.9% online guarantee, Easy to integrate...
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  • 12
    Used to record and analyze some behavioural experiments in neuroscience (using usb webcam). it was developed in collaboration with neuropharmacology lab at Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University. it can use(JMF,OpenCV,JMyron & AGCamLib) for webcam
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  • 13
    Desktop Application to use the Pearl PX-3309 Webcam. Can currently display snapshot, move cam right/left/up/down, set brightness and contrast. Will be able to make a settings-backup and restore.
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  • 14

    Motion JavaScript viewer

    JavaScript and PHP frontend for Motion webcam storage

    This simple application provides a simple Javascript front-end for Motion-generated images. The interface should be simple and multiplatform (should work on Android phone or tablet, too) For Motion, see Exact configuration for motion storage is required and described within the README file. If you like my work, donate any amount to 19bSSGqVQ8VoqpBgtyLCWx15ybw4swS6yB.
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  • 15
    SmartCam - Smart Phone Web Camera - Turns a camera phone (S60, WinMo6.x, Android, Samsung Bada) with bluetooth or WiFi into a handy webcam ready to use with your PC
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  • 16

    Rapid Screenshot

    A tool for taking screenshots rapidly

    Taking multiple screenshots is a tiring process, you have to take screenshot, give a name to the picture then save it. But using this software you don't need to give name to the screenshot & you don't have to save it. You just click and the image will be saved automatically, the file name will be time-stamp of the current time.
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  • 17


    A selenium common library based on selenium 2.0, webdriver

    selenium2lib is the common lib based on the popular web automation test framework(selenium 2.0) and this project include: 1. webdriver function testing help class, such as selenium 2.0 proxy class, selenium 1.0 proxy class, javascript executor proxy class, webdriver event listener extension, webdriver wait extension, webdriver factory,webdriver wrapped element(S2Div?, S2Table?), autoit java wrapped helper class, use snapsie to capture full image of IE browser, use camstudio to record DV when...
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  • 18
    JCapture is a pure 'Java Screen Capture Program' written by Gorav Taneza. Features include timer based and manual capture. Saving of capture image in jpg, jpeg and png formats. Future plans include timer based repeat, email capability and basic image processing like rotate, sharpen. Moved to GitHub:
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  • 19

    omt Slice

    Java Screen Capture App

    Version 1.2.4 fixed some bugs.... New in 1.2 1. Quick Launch From Notification Bar 2. Copy Image Directly To Clipboard 3. 100% Transparency For Selected Area Slice is a pure java screen capture application. It's free and lightweight. MUST Require JRE Java SE Runtime Environment 7u21 Or ABOVE Download JRE : You can download source code from below link:
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  • 20
    Image Tools is a screen capture, file sharing and image processing tool. It features multi-threaded batch image resizing, conversion, cropping, flipping/rotating, watermarks, decolorizing (grayscale, negative, sepia), and optimizing. The BMP, GIF, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, and EMF image types are supported. It is compatible with Linux MONO (only for GNOME and Xfce). Multicore processing is supported to increase performance. The quality for output when optimizing is variable. Color channels can...
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  • 21

    Gimp Simulate HDR

    A Gimp plugin that simulates a HDR image

    Simulate HDR is a plugin for The GIMP that creates two layers from a single image simulating an underexposed and a overexposed shots, creating a High Dynamic Range image. It can create a tone mapping layer to compress the color range of the image.
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  • 22


    Video and Image Analysis Extension for Firefox

    OpenTrack is Firefox extension which is a combination video tracking and analysis tool for use in physics and biomechanics. It has three components: OpenTrack2d, a video and image analysis suite, the JSvg Analysis Console that gives access to graphing, math and statistical tools, and the Report Editor, a simple editor that can import OT graphics and video results for web presentation.
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  • 23

    Movement Detection

    Uses a webcam as a photo trap / movement detector

    Inspired by Head First C. Small program written in C. It takes a photo with your webcam every time something moves before your webcam. Requires OpenCV library.
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  • 24
    Background Enhanced

    Background Enhanced

    Provides a backdrop for the desktop. For sceen capturing

    Provides a backdrop for the desktop, either and image or a solid color. For screen capture purposes, like hiding the desktop or showing a logo/watermark in the background. Easy to show and hide backdrop.
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  • 25


    Instantly record and share video and audio

    FFVideo uses ffmpeg, screen-capture-recorder, and dropbox or server hosting software to make sharing an event on your screen, microphone, webcam, or other device as simple as a button press. Just press the bound key to record from the desired source, select the boundary (if applicable), then hit the key again to stop recording. The file will already be uploaded to its destination, and you can already paste (control+v) the link for anyone to view what has just been recorded. This program...
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