Poker game assistant to get probabilities to win a hand.
Win Utility for managing windows services.
SmartDRIVE PC interface, for use with USB-UART SX
blue 7 theme ubuntu 11.10 distro
Win Apache Mysql PHP PgSQL Mongodb
Automatic chooser of optimal fleet (with limits) for ogame browser gam
A very simple GUI wrapper for youtube-dl Python script.
realistic but simple flight simulator: exploration and casual landing
star wars very small starship fighting game
A respin of manjaro linux with i3 as window manager.
Windows unbuffered copy for large files console application
SmartGPU Windows PC interface
Othello's game written in C++ on Linux using Qt.
Crossplatform stack calculator with very fast usage.
test your cpu and ram only (linux vs windows)
Plugin for MySQL Workbench creates rails 3.x files from schemata
Creates Signing Certificates for iOS on Window PC's