Open Source H.264 Codec
Makes Linux applications self-contained by copying in the libraries
A standalone, large scale, open project for 2D/3D image processing
Cross-Platform C++ GUI Library
A library with an embeddable, persistent key-value store for storage
Library for parsing and validating international phone numbers
C++ Qt ORM (Object Relational Mapping) and ODM library
A collection of lock-free data structures written in standard C++11
Library for QtQuick apps with Material Design
Single header C++ logging library. It is extremely powerful
C++ IPC Library: A high-performance inter-process communication
Functional Programming Library for C++
OSI Layer 2 driver for nRF24L01 on Arduino & Raspberry Pi/Linux
Blynk library for embedded hardware
New home to HbQt, HbIDE & HbDBU once Harbour SVN hosted contribs.
A multimedia framework based on Qt and FFmpeg
inputbox password WIN OSX GTK QT Console VCPKG C# Lua R Fortran Pascal
Easy-to-use print report library and designer
MIDI libraries for Qt/C++
Delphi : VRCalc++ OOSL & + (Paged List, TextEditor, VRAstroVision ...)
C++ library for creating XLSX files for MS Excel 2007 and above.
ALFOUR Programming language. Simple, safe, power, multi-platform.
Modern C++17/20 framework to create console, GUI and unit tests.
Coroutines for Delphi and Free Pascal
Port of Scintilla to Ls-Cs