A Simple cross-platform library for communicating with HID devices
Lite reliable UDP library for Mono and .NET
VR Paged List for C# and more
multi-media player updated yearly
TAR based DLL
Librairie .Net pour la gestion assistée des finances personnelles
The best library to work with the .Net Core from Delphi and Lazarus.
LabVIEW VIs for ZLib compression and Base64/binhex encoding
This is the best library to work with the .Net framework from Delphi.
a dll to play midi files in background thread
The best Java library to work with .Net libraries and frameworks.
Small dll for windows with basic functionality C#
a simple dll interface for TTS text to speech SAPI 5.1
Data Exchange between CoDeSys Devices and .NET via Network Variables
Easy Web automation library