Asynchronous parallel SSH client library.
borb is a library for reading, creating and manipulating PDF files
fast BAM/CRAM depth calculation for WGS, exome, or targeted sequencing
A Python visual Flow Based Programming library
Dominate is a Python library for creating and manipulating HTML docs
A python library for self-supervised learning on images
A python library for easy manipulation and forecasting of time series
Stanford NLP Python library for many human languages
High-performance fake data generator for Python
Transpiler of Python to many other languages
The Pants Build System
Pymunk is a easy-to-use pythonic 2d physics library
Creates dynamic html report from jupyter notebook.
Lightweight library for scraping web-sites with LLMs
Pytest in IPython notebooks
Sphinx source parser for Jupyter notebooks
Best Practices on Recommendation Systems
A Python and R autograding solution
Micro second messaging that stores everything to disk
Light-weight, flexible, expressive statistical data testing library
A flexible forms validation and rendering library for Python
A GraphQL library for Python that leverages type annotations
A cross-platform Python library for differentiable programming
JAX-based neural network library
Python library and shell utilities to monitor filesystem events