A Laravel package for multilingual models
Polish to English translation aid. Automatic dictionary presentation.
LTeX: Grammar/spell checker for VS Code using LanguageTool
Scriptural Keys Restoration - decoded universally symbolic language
CunAlpha is a text converter to cuneiforms characters,
foreign language vocabulary trainer
Command shell for interactive computing in multiple languages
Educational Flash Card Software
CRC algorithms, test code, libraries and tables
QJDicExample is an English <-> Japanese dictionary.
Round hiragana keyboard for Android.
NSD graphical editor, for Java development and rev-engineering
This program translates text into morse code.
A compiler for the Mustache templating language
Tool to add furigana and in-line translation to Japanese subtitles
The Ultimate Pack of Malayalam Softwares read full description
Browser based flash cards
Recognizes Sanskrit Meters
a Scratch Interface for Lego NXT
Edit and execute php code