Ethereum JavaScript API
The blazing fast lightweight internationalization (i18n) module
An enhanced HTML 5 file input for Bootstrap 5.x/4.x./3.x
The extensible select component built for ember
Free Texas Holdem Poker game using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript
Script language
🚀 Professional Social Dating Web App Builder (formerly pH7CMS)
A free web kits for fast web design and development
Groundbreaking JS plug&play writes real handwriting on your web page.
The source code of the In-Browser-File-Encrypter web app
The most crossbrowser web UI library that uses native browser elements
JavaScript framework to build game engines, games, emulators and apps
RhinOS, CMS, Content Management System, Josep Sanz Campderrós
Responsive Web App development full-stack framework in PHP and JS
Code editor in single HTML file
Web IDE in single HTML file
html5 player for surround audios in websites
Vanilla js Libraries
ShortDevs is the universe of tables and shortcodes
Interview questions to drive learning, promoting daily learning
Inject JavaScript custom code into every webpage
Built for enterprise level and highly customized websites
Introduction to Ruby (ed.), GPL v2.