Web based python-flask Queue management system
Open source PostgreSQL GUI client for macOS, Linux and Windows
CIntruder - OCR Bruteforcing Toolkit
One stop to manage all git repository
Formerly AjaXplorer, file sharing platform for the enterprise
Google Drive GUI for Windows / Mac / Linux
PolyCash is the ultimate open source betting system.
Javascript GUI library with focus on simplicity.
Speech recognition for your site
Mature SGBD in Perl with a web interface
Allows anyone to create a VR or AR website for free!
:wrench: Cross-platform GUI management tool for Redis
Web scanner integrates with content repository through a REST Service
A free open sourced Apache Http Server GUI developed with Java.
The Free and Open Source Music Visualizer Tool
Electron Desktop GUI for Webpack Dashboard
Add an AngularJS admin GUI to any RESTful API
'HTML/JS OS' - Proof of Concept - ALPHA STATE
Rapid Application Development Framework for PHP
GUI app for editing, visualizing, and manipulating JSON data
Adobe SWF Investigator enables full analysis of SWF applications.
adminMongo is a Web based user interface (GUI) to handle MongoDB
Simple git hooks