Project Portfolio Management
Common classes for Java developers needed by most projects.
Best IDE for Beginners
Cross-platform Gnutella file-sharing servent in Xojo with Java backend
Organizes and searches user-defined items and images in a MySQL DB.
A common architecture for Android applications developing based on MVP
SmartPOS (Includes->SmartERP distro of Idempiere ERP) is 100% Web
A national virtual bridge engineering contest for kids of all ages.
professional open source software for LCA
Easy fine console input/output for java
C++ CASE tool, full life cycle code generator
Provides Java and integrated Jython/Pyhon + Java builds
Display NetBeans Module Dependencies
Build tooling for Clojure
A family of Eclipse CDT extensions and tools for GNU ARM development.
Lightweight, fast, Java-centric Lua interpreter
open source issue tracking system
Source code to omnibus edition of the book
Gestion de tournoi / Tournament management
JavadocToolUI helps you to create customized API documentation.