Highly advantageous for businesses of any size, whether small, medium,
Powerful generator for Java applications (JPA, Java EE...)
Private, secure backups in the cloud.
Framework & GUI for Bayes Nets and other probabilistic models.
A linguistic annotation store
Identity management and federations integration
Transforms Your Desktop + Phone into a 100 % distraction-free Area
Create a webapp from an existing database in 30 seconds - Java/Groovy
Enterprise integration testing framework
Media Player
Framework for intelligent service-based networks. Mobile compatible.
An open process control and laser engraving software solution
eXist-db is a feature rich Open Source native XML database
Java Application Framework
is low code bpm platform, which is easy to install and easy to use
Chemical structures database & machine learning with web services API
Component, CA, and CCA models; superdense time, DB repo, testing, etc.