AWS library to sign AWS HTTP requests with Signature Version 4
RFC 3986 URI parsing and processing libary
Native Midnight Commander 4.8.30 for Windows/Win32
Cross-platform BBS (ANSI) Terminal
Arduino ESP32-S2-Mini v1.00 Wemos | Firmware PS4 900x HOST Wifi AP
3D Multiplayer Hover Soccer
A multi-threaded, multi-database tcp-based database insertion app.
API for Password Manager Daemon (pwmd)
Bringing intranet on the internet with Zero-Config Mesh VPNS.
A canvas library for generating technical drawings
A lightning fast, simple, robust and secure web server.
Declarative rich internet application platform
An mpg123 frontend of sorts, put your mp3s on your LAN.
Linux Console X-like Terminal
Records and plots network pings
Powerful web browser for your freedom and privacy.
Analizes PCAP files and gives statistics about IP packets.