Make QR Codes in JavaScript
CMS Minimal Responsive Design
Karellen Gevent Websocket Library
Makes web-hosted files local without downloading them entirely
Takes screenshots at random intervals and uploads them to the cloud
Simple Silex service provider for including the AWS SDK for PHP
IPsec / IKEv2-based VPN software for Linux.
a single patch for direct communications between Pd and web browsers
Simple scala wrapper for HttpURLConnection. OAuth included
Javascript event-based client library
An http 1.1 server written in Java
Simple and effective java web framework
Make robots for MediaWiki-powered sites!
A PHP class for creating graphs, plots, charts
SRP6 Authentication Library for C# and Java
An easy way to make WebSocket endpoints in C++.
Simple and minimalist C library for CGI scripting
A MINA-like, cross-platform C++ network library based on boost::asio