Showing 6 open source projects for "clip-4-win"

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    Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar

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    Analysis Nuclei DAB (AND) Tool

    Analysis Nuclei DAB (AND) Tool is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to analyse microscopy images representing cells with nuclei stained using DAB dyes. The tool requires as input the original RGB images, and the FastRed, FastBlue, DAB channel, easily obtained using the Fiji function: "ImageJ" -> "Image" -> "Colour Deconvolution" -> "FastRed FastBlue DAB" Then, the tool first segment the nuclei using the FastBlue channel and the DAB channel, and then computes statistics by subdividing...
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    Massive Object Tracking Software (Matlab/Python)

    TracTrac is a Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) software which is extremely fast (more than 10k points tracked per second, 100k under python) and accurate (up to 0.01 pixel resolution), forming thus a good concurrent to the state-of-the art PIV/PTV algorithms. It allows to track anything that moves: birds, ants, grains, water flows... It runs on Python (v2&3) or Matlab (>2012a with Image Processing toolbox). Give it a try ! Get the last sources on GitHub:...
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    ReViMS, a 3D volume rendering tool for light-sheet/confocal microscopy

    Reconstruction and Visualization from Multiple Sections (ReViMS), an open-source, user-friendly software for automatically estimating volume and several other features of 3D multicellular aggregates (i.e., cancer spheroid, zebrafish, fruit fly). ReViMS requires a z-stack of 2D binary masks, obtained by segmenting a sequence of fluorescent images acquired by scanning the aggregate along the z axis, using a confocal or a light-sheet fluorescent microscope. It provides a number of tools...
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    MatLab App for calculating fitting isotopic exchange profile data

    MatLab App for calculating fitting isotopic exchange profile data. Developed for measuring self-diffusivity and effective surface exchange coefficient of ion conducting materials. Requires MatLab image processing toolbox If you use this tool for you research, please cite my PhD thesis: Cooper, S. J. Quantifying the Transport Properties of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrodes. (Imperial College London, 2015). @phdthesis{SJCooper2015, author = {Cooper, S. J.}, number =...
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

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    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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    flow visualization toolbox

    matlab 2D image processing GUI toolbox for flow visualization

    A general flow visualization Matlab toolbox for image processing of some common planar/surface visualization techniques from PLIF (Planar laser induce fluorescence) for tracer distribution, BOS (background oriented Schlieren) for density, TSLC (Temperature sensitive liquid crystal) for thermal and PSP (Pressure sensitive paint) pressure distribution measurement. This work is part of author's PhD study, under Dr S. Zhong @ the University of Manchester's supervision, guidance and...
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    LAVA for AFM

    LAVA for AFM

    Lloyd's Algorithm-based Volumetric Analysis for AFM Images

    This MATLAB-based program enables analysis of AFM images. In particular, it allows the user to measure the volume of all distinguishable features in an image and to isolate and sort those particles. As the name implies, LAVA uses Lloyd's Algorithm, also known as k-means sorting, to identify a small set of volumes representative of the actual distribution of particle in the image. Although developed for determining feature volume, LAVA is also completely compatible with other types of...
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