Implementation of DALL-E 2, OpenAI's updated text-to-image synthesis
Tokenization for Julia source code
Powerful desktop publishing software
Stream low latency video from your desktop or webcam over TCP/IP
Video editing with Python
Uility to make home movies from your digital camera files
Common stuff for Imprudence and Kokua open source metaverse viewers.
Tools to train Image Operators automatically from a set of samples.
A barcode library/module for python.
Tools for reading the track data of the project "Leave a Trace"
News, full-text, and article metadata extraction in Python 3
This is a Python script to import a CSV file to meshes in Blender.
A raytracing framework for optical/non-optical physics simulations
Visual Image Viewer :: Build using Python
A Gimp plugin that simulates a HDR image
A tool written in Python to draw Splines in MAXONs Cinema 4D