Go compiler for small place
Generate a modern Web project with Go and Angular, React or Vue
Build and deploy Go applications on Kubernetes
Concourse is a container-based continuous thing-doer written in Go
Compile-time dependency injection for Go
Simplistic interactive filtering tool
Sarama is a Go library for Apache Kafka 0.8, and up
A distributed OS built for the Cloud
Automatic TLS certificate manager for Kubernetes
Miller is like awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for name-indexed data
An operator for Grafana that installs and manages Grafana instances
A toolkit for building secure, portable and lean operating systems
Enable dynamic and seamless Kubernetes multi-cluster topologies
A swiss army knife of container debugging
Write AWS applications at lightning speed
Test your code without writing mocks with ephemeral Docker containers
Kubernetes networking based on Open vSwitch
Automate Kubernetes Configuration Editing
A tool for running event-driven scripts in Kubernetes
ContainerSSH: Launch containers on demand
The Modern Application Platform
Optimized JSON for Go
Go package containing implementations of efficient encoding
Plex Lab Exchange. Client for running scientific workflows
Golang security checker