Showing 632 open source projects for "x86_64-linux-gnu"

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  • Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar Icon
    Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar

    See what hackers already know about your organization – and stop them from getting in.

    Enterprises need full-spectrum cyber intelligence—beyond social media and the dark web. SOCRadar monitors cloud buckets, dark web leaks, and external threats in real time. Automate takedowns, detect brand impersonations, and stay ahead of evolving attacks. Strengthen your security with Extended Threat Intelligence.
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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • 1


    Cross platform (lin/win/mac) geographical information system (GIS)

    Create, edit, visualize, analyze and publish geospatial information on Windows, Mac, Linux, BSD and mobile devices. For your desktop, server, in your web browser and as developer libraries. QGIS is a user-friendly open-source Geographic Information System (GIS) licensed under the GNU General Public License. QGIS is an official project of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). It runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, Windows and Android and supports numerous vector, raster, and database formats...
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  • 2
    Blender GIS

    Blender GIS

    Blender addons to make the bridge between Blender and geographic data

    Import in Blender most commons GIS data format, Shapefile vector, raster image, geotiff DEM, OpenStreetMap XML. There are a lot of possibilities to create a 3D terrain from geographic data with BlenderGIS, check the Flowchart to have an overview. Display dynamics web maps inside Blender 3d view, requests for OpenStreetMap data (buildings, roads, etc.), get true elevation data from the NASA SRTM mission. Manage georeferencing information of a scene, compute a terrain mesh by Delaunay...
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  • 3


    GeoServer repository

    GeoServer is an open-source software server written in Java that allows users to share and edit geospatial data. Designed for interoperability, it publishes data from any major spatial data source using open standards. Being a community-driven project, GeoServer is developed, tested, and supported by a diverse group of individuals and organizations from around the world. GeoServer is the reference implementation of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Feature Service (WFS) and Web...
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  • 4


    An open source geocoder for openstreetmap data

    photon is an open-source geocoder built for OpenStreetMap data. It is based on elastic search - an efficient, powerful and highly scalable search platform. photon was started by komoot and provides search-as-you-type and multilingual support. Find our public API and demo on Until October 2020 the API was available under Please update your apps accordingly.
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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • 5


    Large-scale WebGL-powered geospatial data visualization analysis

    L7 is a WebGL-based open source large-scale geospatial data visual analysis development framework launched by Ant Financial's AntV data visualization team. The L in L7 stands for Location, and the 7 stands for the seven continents of the world, implying the ability to provide visual analysis for global location data. L7 focuses on the visual expression of data, and realizes clear and effective expression from data to information through the setting of visual variables such as color, size,...
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  • 6
    GeoServer is an open source software server written in Java that allows users to share and edit geospatial data. Designed for interoperability, it publishes data from any major spatial data source using open standards: WMS, WFS, WCS, WPS and REST
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  • 7


    Geographic library

    GeographicLib is a small C++ library for: geodesic and rhumb line calculations; conversions between geographic, UTM, UPS, MGRS, geocentric, and local cartesian coordinates; gravity (e.g., EGM2008) and geomagnetic field (e.g., WMM2020) calculations.
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  • 8
    SAGA - System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses - is a Geographic Information System (GIS) software with immense capabilities for geodata processing and analysis. SAGA is programmed in the object oriented C++ language and supports the implementation of new functions with a very effective Application Programming Interface (API). Functions are organised as modules in framework independent Module Libraries and can be accessed via SAGA’s Graphical User Interface (GUI) or various scripting...
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  • 9
    Yet Another APRS Client
    Client software for users of the Automatic Packet Reporting System amateur radio network.
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 10
    GeoTools, the Java GIS toolkit

    GeoTools, the Java GIS toolkit

    Toolkit for working with and mapping geospatial data

    GeoTools is an open source (LGPL) Java code library which provides standards compliant methods for the manipulation of geospatial data. GeoTools is an Open Source Geospatial Foundation project. The GeoTools library data structures are based on Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) specifications.
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  • 11
    OpenJUMP (The JUMP Pilot Project)
    OpenJUMP is a community driven fork of JUMP the "Java Unified Mapping Platform" GIS software. The original JUMP was developed by Vivid Solutions, released under GPL2 in 2003 and discontinued in 2006. During 2004 already some enthusiastic developers joined together to enhance further the features of JUMP. They launched an independent development branch called OpenJUMP. The name gives credit to the original JUMP development, and at the same time describes the objectives of this project to...
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  • 12
    GeoNetwork - Geographic Metadata Catalog
    A web based Geographic Metadata Catalog for data description and discovery. It implements international standards (e.g. ISO19115/19139, ISO19115-3, Z39.50, CSW 2.0, OGC). It originates from the United Nations and is used by many governments as geoportal software. This page is not maintained actively. Active development and discussion takes place on github. You can also connect directly with the companies supporting the development. Source code available on github
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  • 13
    Viking GPS data editor and analyzer

    Viking GPS data editor and analyzer

    Viking is a free/open source program to manage GPS data

    Viking is a free/open source program to manage GPS data. You can import, plot and create tracks, routes and waypoints, show OSM, Bing Aerial and other maps, geotag images, create routes using OSRM, see real-time GPS position (not in Windows), make maps using Mapnik (not in Windows), control items, etc. It is written in mostly in C (with some C++) & the GTK+3 toolkit. Viking is currently dual managed - with a corresponding Github presence...
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  • 14


    GWC is a tile server and caching proxy written in Java

    GeoWebCache is a WMS tile cache that lets you serve cached map data to WMS clients, Goole Earth, Google Maps and MS Virtual Earth. The system is pluggable on both ends and does automatic matching to the best available tile. It is very fast and scalable.
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  • 15


    GPS track editor for editing tracks and planning (multiple) day tours

    JGPSTrackEdit is a tool for editing gps tracks and planning (multiple days) tours (GPS track editor). An abritary number of tracks may be opened or created, tracks may be merged. A track may be splitted, reversed or edited (e.g. compressed and corrected). Points may be inserted or appended to a track (routing supported) or may be moved or deleted from a track. Maps of several providers are available, the default map is OpenStreetMap. Currently supported track formats: Garmin gpx...
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  • 16


    A cartography program with parameter adjustments and gravity fonctions

    EasyGeo is an open source cartography program that generates maps using explicit equations in the choice of parameters. The input data is point data (not lines or areas) using csv files with object names (cities), variables (e.g. birth rate) and x and y coordinates. It is also possible to import maps in GeoJSON format. Possible output maps are: proportional circles, colour classes and interaction potential functions (Gravity models). Test data (10 countries and associated data) is provided...
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  • 17


    An information system for cyclists in Berlin and Brandenburg

    A bike information system for cyclists in Berlin and Brandenburg (Germany) with a map view and a routing engine. There's a graphical interface (based on Perl/Tk) as well as an Web interface. Source code may be found at Github:
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  • 18


    Visualize deep ocean biogeochemical sediment samples in 2D and 3D!

    DeepSee is an interactive workspace for deep ocean scientists to upload sediment core data and map images and see their sampling history displayed across multiple connected views at once! 🦑🦀🐚 🚀 For a live demo, visit: 🌱 To get started, visit our Wiki: 🧑‍💻 To modify DeepSee for your own project, visit our GitHub repository: --- Created by Adam Coscia,...
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  • 19


    Open Source Desktop GIS with Surveying and Cartography Functionality

    Open Source Desktop GIS with Surveying and Cartography Functionality. Should be seen as a Learn-GIS with basic Algorithms and Functionality in VB.NET and C#.NET without usage of Software Libraries: CAD/GIS Data (DXF, ShapeFile, GML2, GPX, KML, CSV), Data Schema, Query, Analysis, Topology, Contours, Ortho-Image Registration, Least Squares Adjustment. Also world-wide Geodata of Countries and POIs are available. A companion Scriptum gives explanation about the Theory behind MensorGIS.
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  • 20
    LAnd Survey Tools "LAST" was created to preserve and expand on the work invested in an old, privately used, DOS based land survey construction and data collection application by porting much of the C++ coded logic and design concept over to Python.
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  • 21


    An interactive tool for GNSS position time series analysis

    * Please check latest update on A tool written in Interactive Data Language (IDL), for processing and analyzing daily continuous GPS position time series. It can read time series in various formats, detect outliers, remove abnormal observation spans, find jumps, extract common-mode components(CMC), etc.
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  • 22
    Traccar (GPS tracking system)

    Traccar (GPS tracking system)

    Open source system for GPS tracking devices

    Open source server for GPS trackers. It includes support for popular devices: TK101, TK102, TK103, TK201, TK202, TK203, TK206, GPS-103, GL100, GL200, AVL-05, AVL-08, Mini MT, GT30i, GT60, VT300, VT310, VT400, PST-AVL01, PT60, PT300X, PT30, MVT340, MVT380, MVT600, GT30, GT30X, MT80, GT200, GT300, GT500, Datamax, ST210, ST900, ST910 and many others. Application includes embedded web server to track devices on map. Official web page: Demo:...
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  • 23
    OpenGXT - Geopatial Analysis Tools

    OpenGXT - Geopatial Analysis Tools

    Spatial Statistics Libraries & Tools for GeoTools, GeoServer, uDig

    The goal of this project is to provide a spatial statistics tools for Geotools, Geoserver WPS, uDig Statistics Toolbox. #. Online Documentation - #. GeoTools -Download gt-process-spatialstatistics-xx.x.jar file #. GeoServer - Download - Unzip and copy two files to the WEB-INF/lib directory of the GeoServer installation. - Restart GeoServer #. uDig 2.0.x Plugin Installation - Name: Spatial...
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  • 24
    Geo Arbores
    Geo Arbores is a project for developing tools and extensions for the GIS software OpenJUMP
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  • 25
    GPS Trip computer, used to calculate distance (3 counters), quikly clear any of them, back counting
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