DRM remover of the SteamStub variants
dhewm 3 main repository
3D game engine/framework in C, with Luajit and Python bindings now
The AWS GameKit Plugin for Unreal
Reversible cellular automata
Undetectable scripthook with lua execution and filesteal
DLL injector for gaming and other uses
Display information about every countries in the world
Standalone Complete Sudoku puzzle Game Solver Generator for Windows
Karel - 3D language interpreter
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 Executable Memory Management Enhancer
.NET based API for Stealth Client
Um pequeno framework didático de games em Java
Navegação em árvore binária baseada em perguntas e respostas
oIrrlicht is example of irrlicht and AutoIt with objects or DllCall
Up to date MUD client evolved from the original MudMaster
A Simple Game Engine
Investigo - DX9 Performance and Debugging Toolkit
visual ping monitor in TNA(taskbar notification area)
The map viewer application for Greencubes minecraft server
C'est pas du grand art juste un apprentissage.