A cellular automation simulation governed by probability.
Runes Of Magic
Exciting Tic Tac Toe game full of features
A comprehensive path-finding library for grid based games
Open-source server of Planet Ring for Sega Dreamcast
An Snakes Game with Advanced AI in C Lang
Ultimate Mod created for the game Homeworld 2
Single-/multi-player card game Mau Mau (similar to UNO®)
Space invaders arcade game
a 3D openGL b3d car / city town / flight / tank simulation game
Generate and print simple mazes.
A Tic-Tac-Toe project for our High-School
Chess master with 3D graphics
breakout/arkanoid clone multiplayers network game at 360°!
Grid based multiplication, add, sub including (-)ve #s
A Nintendo DS emulator based on DeSMuMe 0.9.9 source code
A combat flight simulator
Engines for Batch Games
Cross-platform C framework very compact libraries and tools.