a free hack & slash action 2D/3D rogue / ultima / dungeon like game
a 3D openGL sandbox virtual beach seashore forest ocean game
OpenGL port of the classic 6dof 3D shooter Descent
Cinema Enters Game Console
DOOM / Heretic / Hexen source port with enhanced graphics and UI
ZED OS the clone of Windows XP
A fast-paced free software rally racing game
3D space trading and combat game
A tool to generate Tree sprites and voxels for the Doom game
Modern 3D engine and IDE written using C# and C++.
A tool to generate Rock sprites, models and voxels for the Doom game
3D representations of flowers, flower elements, bouquets or meadows
A fun realistic multiplayer free-and-open-source first-person-shooter!
A tool for creating voxels for the DelphiDoom Engine
A multiplatform medieval 3D MMORPG
an osm openstreetmap 3D / bing maps car / flight / ballon sim game
Vivid Engine 2 is an open source 3D Engine coded using C# and C++.
Opensource Game Studio
Character animation system for games and simulations.
eGPXviewer is a 3D GPX track viewer