Reformats Java source code to comply with Google Java Style
A user-interface library, formerly known as text, for Minecraft
Java Docker API Client
Java JWT: JSON Web Token for Java and Android
Java binary serialization and cloning, fast, efficient, automatic
Clojure library for fast JSON encoding and decoding
Generate Java types from JSON or JSON Schema for data-binding
Core part of Jackson that defines Streaming API
Logback JSON encoder and appenders
Import YAML/JSON-formatted configuration files into Keycloak
Generates TypeScript from Java, JSON declarations, REST service client
FluentLenium is a web & mobile automation framework
Provides support to increase developer productivity in Java
Java Concurrency Tools for the JVM
Split and merge PDF files on any platform
A web application for testing webservices
Application to inspect text and images of pdf books.
Swagger to AsciiDoc or Markdown converter
Editor for Fixed Width, Csv and Existing Xml files.
A Java library that implements application/problem+json
A vector drawing editor for LaTeX (JavaFX)
Merge images and PDFs to a single PDF