Multi platform library to read and write schedule data
A simple LaTeX {picture} drawing tool
X3D is the open-standard format for 3D graphics scenes on the Web.
Image library for Object Pascal.
Implementation of ENTSOG AS4, e-SENS AS4, ebMS AS4, PEPPOL AS4
Another drawing editor for LaTeX with PSTricks & TikZ
eXist-db is a feature rich Open Source native XML database
XML Schema for questionnaires and PDF questionnaire generator
DIS(IEEE 1278.1) Fully Implemented in C++
Parse and decode METAR, TAF, SYNOP, BUOY, AMDAR and write data as XML
XML text markup for ancient documents
Meta-Model Management based on RDFs Revision Reflection
Units to help dealing with IFF files in Pascal.
Editor for Fixed Width, Csv and Existing Xml files.